Home Yoga Go-To Yoga Sequence for Coming Into Pigeon Pose

Go-To Yoga Sequence for Coming Into Pigeon Pose

Go-To Yoga Sequence for Coming Into Pigeon Pose

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You realize those days where everyone in your yoga class appears to be low energy? Those are the times that I lean into that quietness and teach my “go-to” sequence leading as much as One-Legged King Pigeon Pose. The posture is an intense hip opener, as everyone knows, but it surely’s also a deep forward bend that invites us to indulge that subdued mood and switch inward.

I find that King Pigeon is an appropriate posture for many various levels of scholars. You may prop it as much as make it more accessible or add in some more complex moves to make it more difficult. The predominant anatomical actions we emphasize are external rotation of 1 hip at a time (turning the leg outward within the socket) while keeping the pelvis stable.

Go-to yoga sequence for coming into Pigeon Pose

The breath lengths are simply suggestions. Follow what feels right in the meanwhile.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose) Variation

I’ve all the time found the English translation of this pose to be reasonably ironic because there’s actually nothing easy about it! Sukhasana requires a whole lot of attention to the ankle and knee joints, and if you’ve sensitivity in those areas, it might probably be downright uncomfortable. Think about using a blanket under your ankles for cushioning. All that said, when you add a forward bend and find a cushty position on this variation, you’ll understand why this pose is usually called Sweet Pose.

The best way to: Sit on a folded blanket. Cross your right shin in front of your left shin. Stack your ankles and knees. In case your knees are lifting and better than your hips, chances are you’ll need to sit down on more height, like a bolster or block, and add blankets or a block beneath your back thigh as well. On an inhale, reach each arms as much as the sky and on an exhale, bend forward over your legs. You may keep your back straight or, should you prefer, you possibly can allow it to round. In case your body allows you, rest your brow on the ground, a block, and even your fists. Unless you’re using your hands for support, extend your arms forward alongside your ears. Stay here for 10 breaths. Come up to sit down slowly. Switch the cross of your legs and repeat in your left side.

Woman standing on her yoga mat in Tree Pose with one foot against her opposite thigh while balancing(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

 Vrksasana (Tree Pose)

Tree Pose allows us to look at the connection between the hip joint and the pelvis. Our bodies are inclined to compensate for lack of flexibility by moving where we’re most mobile and resisting where we’re tightest. That is how we get into unhelpful habits that change into risk aspects for overuse injuries. If the inner thigh of our lifted leg is tight, our movement shall be limited in poses that ask us to externally rotate the hip, as we do in Tree Pose. Consequently, we compensate by shifting our entire pelvis reasonably than simply the hip joint and thigh. To explore our true range of rotation, we’d like to maintain our pelvis as stable as possible.

The best way to:
From Sukhasana, come forward to Tabletop, curl your toes under, and lift your hips back to Down Dog. After a couple of breaths, walk your hands to the rear of your mat and slowly come as much as standing. Be at liberty to face alongside a wall for help with balance. Come to Tadasana (Mountain Pose), bend your right knee, and open your inner thigh away out of your midline. Use your hand to position your right foot as far up your left leg as it might probably safely go. A few of us can have our foot at our left ankle, others on the calf, still others all the way in which up near the groin. Bring your hands in your hips and observe your pelvis. Level it backward and forward to maintain it from tipping toward the bent knee side. Now bring your right hip forward barely, because the hip of the lifted leg tends to roll back. Once your pelvis is fairly regular and even, reach your arms overhead. Your gaze will be on the ground, straight ahead, or upward. Stay here for 8 breaths. Bring your hands back to your hips and slowly lower your right leg. Pause in Tadasana to reset before repeating in your left side.

Woman standing on her yoga mat in Warrior 2 Pose with her arms alongside her ears(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2 Pose)

During classes during which you give attention to external rotation, the classic shapes of Warrior 2 Pose and Prolonged Side Angle are just about musts. They’re each excellent at warming up the inner thigh muscles and strengthening that very same side’s outer hip, each of that are key elements to external rotation work. Also, each poses are more accessible than Pigeon and can help you have a possibility to look at how powerful it might probably feel to carry the poses.

The best way to: From Tadasana, turn to face the left long side of the mat. Step your feet apart about 3-4 feet and align your front heel together with your back heel. Turn your right leg out out of your hip, externally rotating your thigh so your right foot points toward the front of the mat. Angle your back foot and hip barely inward to create space in your lower back. Inhale your arms wide like a “T” and, on an exhalation, bend your front knee to return into Warrior 2. Lengthen your front inner thigh toward your knee and your outer knee back toward your hip. This little engagement loop encourages deeper external rotation. Press your left thigh back strongly. Stay here for five breaths.

Woman practicing yoga on a mat preparing for Pigeon Pose by coming into Extended Side Angle(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Utthita Parsvakonasana (Prolonged Side Angle)

I prefer to practice this pose as a set with Warrior 2.

The best way to: From Warrior 2, on an inhalation, reach your right arm toward the front of the room. Exhale, lean forward over your front leg as should you were tipping your pelvis and place your right hand on the ground or on a block placed beneath your shoulder or rest your forearm in your thigh. Reach your left arm up toward the ceiling or alongside your ear. That is Parsvakonasana (Side Angle). Proceed to work the looping motion of your front thigh, which may even help to maintain your knee stable. Firm and straighten your back leg. Take 5 breaths here. On an inhale, lift your trunk upright. Bring your hands onto your hips and straighten your front leg. Parallel your feet and repeat Warrior 2 and Prolonged Side Angle in your left side.

Woman practicing Figure-4 Chair in yoga in preparation for the external hip rotation of Pigeon Pose(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Utkatasana Variation (Chair Pose Variation)

This pose is usually called Figure-4 Chair. It’s like Pigeon and Chair Pose had a baby. Much like Tree Pose, it’s a truth-teller–an awesome place to look at the connection between the pelvis and the hip. On this case, the highest leg (the leg that’s turned out) often appears lifted when the pelvis is stable, especially if you’ve limited range of motion in your hip and your top leg doesn’t turn all the way in which out. What a whole lot of us do to compensate is tilt the other hip lower, which makes the lifted thigh look like more open than it actually is. Don’t worry about how high or how far open your lifted knee points. Be more occupied with how level you possibly can make your entire pelvis.

The best way to: From Tadasana, separate your feet as wide as your hips. On an exhalation, bend your knees as should you were coming into Chair Pose. Shift your weight to your left foot, lift your right foot, and cross your right ankle over your left thigh. Observe your pelvis as you do that and check out to maintain it as neutral as possible (which suggests level from side-to-side, front-to-back, and forward and back), even when it means your right inner thigh doesn’t open, or externally rotate, as much as you’d like. Add your arms according to your ears and find some extent to have a look at that’s straight ahead. Hold for 8 breaths. For more intensity, you possibly can keep your knees bent  in Chair while switching sides. For less, arise and take a couple of breaths in Tadasana first.

Woman in Low Lunge on a yoga mat with her front knee bent and her back knee down(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) Variation

This can be a playful variation of runner’s lunge because you possibly can explore how high or low your pelvis is and, in so doing, entirely change the experience of your front leg. It’s also an awesome approach to literally see the results of external rotation, as you watch your front leg rotate out. I like to recommend not turning your leg out to 90 degrees like a ballerina or figure skater. Even 45 degrees will be enough for many of us. Keep your back leg as straight as possible to elongate the hip flexors, that are essential component parts to warm-up for our peak pose.

The best way to: From Tadasana, find your way back to Downward Dog or Tabletop. On an inhalation, lift your right leg. As you exhale, step your right foot between your hands (or as far forward as it should go and inch it forward). Bring each hands to the within your front foot in Low Lunge. Lift your right toes and pivot in your heel to angle your right toes, shin and knee away out of your midline for external rotation in your hip. Let your hips sink toward the mat as you press firmly into your hands, keeping your chest lifted. Stay here for 8 breaths (or longer!). Come back to a Low Lunge by angling your foot and knee forward and step back to Down Dog or Tabletop. Repeat in your left side.

Woman lying on her belly on her yoga mat wearing orange yoga pants with her front knee bent and her back leg straight in Pigeon Pose(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana (One-Legged King Pigeon Pose)

Just as a reminder, any time we’re practicing a “peak” pose, it doesn’t matter should you are in a position to come into the actual pose. An important part is practicing the regular awareness of 1 or two alignment points. If you’ve any knee issues or pain, come back to Low Lunge and stay there longer. Or come onto your back in Figure-4 as a substitute. Conversely, should you are extremely comfortable on this shape and need to play, you possibly can bend your back knee and check out to grab that leg, either reaching each arms overhead or one or each arms back in extension. Do what works for you.

The best way to: From Tadasana, return to Downward Dog anyway that you desire to. When you prefer you possibly can do that pose from Tabletop, too. On an inhalation, lift your right leg. As you exhale, step your right foot between your hands or as far forward as it should go and inch it forward. Lower your left knee to the ground, starting in a Low Lunge position. Heel-toe your right foot toward your left hip. Be less concerned with the common cue of getting your front shin parallel to the short side of your mat (which can tweak your pelvis) and as a substitute try to maintain your pelvis as neutral as possible (which suggests level from side-to-side, front-to-back, and forward and back). In case your right thigh, knee, or shin lift away from the ground, slide a blanket or bolster horizontally beneath it for support. Some people like having a blanket under their back thigh and knee as well. Come onto your fingertips and puff your chest for a giant inhalation. On an exhalation, walk your hands forward and begin to lower your chest toward the ground as much as is comfortable. If possible, rest your head on the ground, a block, or the backs of your hands. Soften and breathe for 10 full breaths. Come out by walking your hands beneath your shoulders, then curl your back toes under and convey yourself into Three-Legged Dog or Tabletop. Repeat in your left side.

Woman sitting on her yoga mat with her legs in front of her and her chest falling toward her knees(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Wind down by doing a couple of shapes that bring your hip joints back to neutral. With these more mellow poses, be happy to remain so long as you want. I include different variations below for all bodies, although visit our Pose Library for more options if none of those be just right for you.

The best way to: From Down Dog or Tabletop, find your approach to sitting. You may jump your legs through your hands or just come to sit down on the ground. Grab your blanket and sit on it, with each legs straight out in front of you. Check in together with your lower back and, should you are rounding in your lower spine or experience tightness, add a further blanket or bend your knees as much as is comfortable. On an inhalation, reach your arms toward the ceiling. As you exhale, bend forward over your legs. You may grab the outer edges of your feet or lasso a strap or towel around the underside of your feet or rest your hands alongside your thighs. And sometimes remaining fairly upright feels best. Press your thighs down into the mat. Lengthen through your spine and lift your chest barely. Stay here for 8 breaths. Walk your hands back to sitting.

Legs up the Wall(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall)

After any leg-heavy practice, I like to do Legs Up the Wall. Many studies have found that elevating your legs above your heart can reduce inflammation and swelling and a few say that it might probably also lessen lower back pain, all of that are common reactions from standing or sitting all day. Also, there’s something very soothing about having your legs up and being fully supported by the wall and floor. This posture is common in restorative yoga, which research has shown to scale back blood pressure and calm the nervous system.

The best way to: Come to a wall. You’re welcome to bring your mat or leave it where it’s. When you do use your mat, you should have the short end right up against it. Sit sideways against the wall and lie in your back. Slowly swing your legs up the wall and rotate your body until your sit bones are facing the wall. In case your lower back is rounded, chances are you’ll must slide a couple of inches away from the wall or place a folded blanket or skinny bolster under your sacrum . Rest your arms alongside your body, in your chest, or bend your elbows to return right into a cactus shape. If it’s comfortable, close or cover your eyes. That is your Savasana, so be happy to remain so long as you want. I like to recommend a minimum of three minutes, but should you’re in a position to, stay here for 7 minutes or longer.

Once you’re ready to return out, slide your feet down the wall, bending your knees into your chest. Roll to 1 side and use your hands to press yourself as much as seated. Find a cushty seat, possibly returning to Sukhasana and easily observing the results of today’s practice.

About our contributor

Sarah Ezrin is an writer, world-renowned yoga educator, popular Instagram influencer, and mama based within the San Francisco Bay Area. Her willingness to be unabashedly honest and vulnerable along together with her innate wisdom make her writing, yoga classes, and social media great sources of healing and inner peace for many individuals. Sarah is changing the world, teaching self-love one person at a time. She can be the writer of The Yoga of Parenting. You may follow her on Instagram at @sarahezrinyoga and TikTok at @sarahezrin.


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