Home Yoga Go-To Yoga Sequence for Twisting Poses

Go-To Yoga Sequence for Twisting Poses

Go-To Yoga Sequence for Twisting Poses

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After I consider the kinds of yoga classes I are inclined to include in my classes, I’ve found that I deal with a pair kinds of movements. One is backbends and forward bends, a category of poses that fall throughout the sagittal plane. Which means plenty of Cobras and Wheel Poses in addition to Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) and Hanumanasana (Splits or Monkey Pose).

I also emphasize poses that ask us to hug in toward the midline or, conversely, that expand us outward, like how our legs squeeze into our arms and shoulders in Bakasana (Crow Pose) and our leg and arm reach outward in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana II (Prolonged Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose 2). These occur within the coronal plane.

But there are three planes of movement. The one I teach the least is the transverse plane, which, in yoga, pertains to twisting poses reminiscent of Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved or Twisting Chair) and Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon).

I believe one in all the explanations I are inclined to minimize their role just isn’t everyone loves twists. After I walk into class and announce, “We’re twisting today!”, students seem much less enthusiastic than after I say “hip-openers” or “handstands.”

But after a category during which we’ve twisted, persons are often elated at the results. Many students say they feel energetically and emotionally “wrung-out” and as in the event that they’ve had a release. Although there’s a scarcity of scientific evidence for the claim that twists physiologically detox us—a claim that many contemporary teachers and ancient texts, reminiscent of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika from the fifteenth century, assert—twisting is certainly an important movement for maintaining and enhancing core stability.

3 key points to emphasise with students during twists

A go-to twisting sequence could be a surprise plot twist for college students and may offer teachers opportunities to show a few of the subtler elements of yoga, including the breath and the chakras. Let’s get into it a bit of more below.

1. The “spiral staircase”

One among my favorite ways to show twists is to suggest that we’re trying to seek out a central line around which we revolve. I do know some teachers who discuss with this as “the spiral staircase.” Teachers who’re subtle body-focused discuss with this because the Sushumna Nadi, the central channel of energy along which the chakras are found.

2. The breath

Twists require an intimate reference to the breath with a purpose to be done efficiently and safely. The physical movement right into a twisting pose is usually taught on an exhalation, although the pose actually begins if you find yourself cued to inhale with the intention of making length in your spine. (The initial lengthening can also be a chance to align the spine, which is the location of our chakras and the central nadi.)

However the more intense the twist, the harder it could possibly be to recollect and establish a gradual cadence for the breath. Starting in additional open twisting positions, reminiscent of gentle seated twists and variations on Low Lunge, gives us a chance to feel spacious and stable within the rhythm of the breath before we start crossing arms and hooking elbows over opposite knees.

3. The importance of twisting out of your center

Twists also impart the energetic lesson of methods to move from an integrated, centered place. It might be tempting for us to maneuver from their limbs or neck when twisting. Though this will give the illusion of going further into the twist, it actually creates misalignment in that central “staircase.” After we initiate the twist from our limbs, we lose connection to the road of the spine from the crown to the tailbone. If “deepening into the twist” is our only objective, the twist itself is usually sacrificed in favor of some sort of side bend. And if we crank our neck, we take it out of alignment with the remaining of the spine.

A go-to yoga sequence for twists

This practice, centered on twists, also leads as much as a peak pose of Revolved Triangle. You’ll experience elements of every throughout the sequence in a gradual progression. (Please note: If you’ve got students who’re pregnant or experiencing back issues, this will not be an appropriate sequence.)

(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Parivrtta Sukhasana (Revolved Easy Pose)

This seated twist teaches us methods to align the spine using the ground as a leveler for our pelvis.

How you can: Sit on a blanket in Sukhasana (Easy Pose) along with your right shin outside of your left.. Stack your ankles and knees. On an inhalation, lengthen your spine; as you exhale, twist to the best. You could cross your left arm or hand over your right thigh and use that as a lever to twist deeper, or your left hand can stay in front of your legs. Prop your right hand on a block or your fingertips behind your right hip to make sure you are keeping your spine upright as you twist around that length. Take note that having that back hand elevated may cause your back shoulder to hike up. Bending your back elbow can make sure the muscles of the neck don’t bunch and also you keep space to give you the chance to show your head. Hold for five breaths. Exhale as you unravel your spine. Switch the crossing of your shins in order that your left shin is forward and take the direction of your twist to the left.

Woman on her yoga mat in a low lunge with her front knee bent, her back knee on the mat, and her right arm and chest reaching to the right(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Parivrtta Anjaneyasana (Twisting Low Lunge)

Twisting Low Lunge is an accessible twist to do early in your practice. Your bottom hand is positioned on the within the front leg, leaving more room for the belly to expand with breath.

How you can: From Sukhasana, come into Tabletop. Take a couple of Cat and Cows to warm up the spine. From Tabletop, inhale and extend your right leg straight behind you. Exhale and step it as far forward as you’ll be able to into Low Lunge. (You may have to inch your foot forward so it’s beneath your knee.) Place your hands beneath your shoulders on the mat or blocks. Inhale first, then exhale and reach your right arm toward the ceiling, twisting your rib cage. Stay here for five breaths. Exhale as you come back your right hand to the ground. Step back to Tabletop and repeat in your left side.

Woman standing on her yoga mat in a wide-legged stance twisting to the left(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana (Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Fold)

This twisting version of Prasarita Padottanasana is a wonderful option to help students prepare their bodies for the height pose. It’s accessible to most individuals, including beginners and pregnant people, because there isn’t compression of the abdomen. The legs are symmetrical, which may feel more stable for some people. It also stretches the hamstrings, which is important for coming into Revolved Triangle.

How you can: From Tabletop, tuck your toes under and lift your hips up and back into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) for a couple of breaths. Then walk your hands toward your feet and slowly come to standing. Turn to face the long side of your mat and place 2 blocks in front of you. Inhale your arms straight out to the perimeters and step your feet as wide as your wrists. Bring your hands to your hips. Inhale and lift your chest, exhale and fold forward, placing your hands on blocks situated just beneath your shoulders in Prasarita Padottanasana. Turn your blocks to whatever level you wish and even come as much as fingertips on the blocks so your spine is in keeping with your pelvis. Inhale and lengthen your spine, exhale and twist your torso to the best as you reach your right arm toward the ceiling. If it’s comfortable, you’ll be able to turn your neck to look as much as your top hand. As an alternative, allow your left hip to drop lower than your right as attempting to level your pelvis can create compression of your sacroiliac joint. Stay here for 8 breaths. In your final exhalation, return your right hand to the block. Repeat in your left side before you come back to center. Turn and step to the front of the mat in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).

Woman standing at the front of a yoga mat with her feet together and her knees bent twisting to the right(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved or Twisting Chair Pose)

In Twisting Chair pose, you’ll be able to explore cause and effect in twisting. While you play with the alignment of your hips, you’ll be able to observe how that affects the relative length in your spine. For instance, if you happen to send the hip that’s on the side you might be twisting toward way back toward your posterior, it’s going to lengthen one side of your spine. When you let your opposite hip hike forward toward your knee, it’s going to shorten that side of the spine. You may also play with the effect of your arms in your twist. In case your hands are in prayer and also you press your top hand more strongly into your bottom, you’ll be able to create leverage to twist more deeply.

How you can: From Mountain Pose, Slowly rise and stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) along with your feet together or a couple of inches apart for stability. Inhale and lift your arms in keeping with your ears. On an exhalation, bend your knees deeply and shift your hips back into Utkatasana (Chair Pose). Bring your hands to prayer position at your heart and pause. Inhale first, lengthening your spine and, in your exhale, twist to the best. It is advisable to separate your hands briefly so you should use your right hand to get your left elbow as stable against outer right thigh as possible, then bring your hands back together. On each inhalation, lengthen out of your crown to your tailbone. Exhale as you press your hands together  to twist your torso further, initiating the twist out of your upper spine and rib cage. Attempt to align your thumbs along with your sternum. Look up toward the sky or keep your chin level along with your chest. Breathe and twist for 8 breaths. After your final exhale, release the twist, straighten your legs, and fold for a breath in Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend). Come back into Chair first, before doing all of your left side. Come back to standing and straighten your legs to return into Mountain Pose.

You could decide to open your arms wide on this twist, but have in mind that the aim of the hooked elbow is to deepen the twist. When you lose the connection of your elbow to your outer thigh whenever you straighten your arms, then it might not be one of the best alternative for you.

Woman standing on her yoga mat with her legs in a triangle and she is twisting to her right(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

We call a posture a “peak pose” in a sequence since it’s the one which requires you to be essentially the most prepared. It’s not at all the goal of the category, which, on this case, is to take care of our center as things move around us. And it is certainly not crucial pose of sophistication. That’s—and at all times will probably be—Savasana or seated meditation at the top.

How you can: From at the highest of your mat. Have your blocks nearby. Place your hands in your hips and step your left foot back about three feet. Relatively than keeping your heels in keeping with each other, bring them a couple of inches apart. Your back toes ought to be angled forward barely. When you feel any restriction along your achilles tendon, connecting your calf to your heel, keep your back heel lifted and place a rolled blanket underneath it. On an inhale, lift your left arm to the ceiling, lengthening your spine. As you exhale, hinge forward at your hip crease. Place your left hand on the within your right foot for a less intense twist or the skin for a more intense twist. You may place your hand or fingertips on the ground or on a block, whichever allows you essentially the most space to breathe. As you inhale, lengthen your spine, and as you exhale, reach your right arm toward the ceiling and switch your right ribs in the identical direction. Keep in mind that central line of the staircase and keep your crown in keeping with your tail. You could consider looking up if you happen to’re capable of keep this alignment. Stay here for 8 breaths. To return out, release each hands to the ground and fold forward for a moment. Bring your hands to your hips and inhale as you lift your torso upright. On an exhalation, step your back foot to the highest of the mat to face in Tadasana. Repeat in your left side.

Woman lying on her back on a yoga mat with her hips lifted and her knees bent and her hands clasped behind her back(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

 Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

Twists are commonly sequenced prior to backbends because they warm up the spine. Backbending after a twist practice also works well as a counter-pose to the closed or compressive twists on this  sequence. This pose is expansive for the chest, lungs, and front thighs.

How you can: From standing on the front of the mat, come to the ground nonetheless you prefer to. You could need to take a shortened Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation A). Lie down on the mat. Bend your knees and place your feet hip-width apart and align your knees above your ankles. On an inhalation, lift your hips. Roll or shimmy your upper arms underneath you and either grab the perimeters of the mat or interlace your fingers (or hold a strap) behind your back. Attempt to get as high in your outer upper arms as possible. Remain here for five breaths. At the top of your last exhalation, release your arms and lower your hips. Repeat another round or grab a block, place it under your sacrum, and rest as a substitute. While you’re done, release your back to the mat.

Woman lying on her back on her yoga mat with her legs lifted

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (Waterfall Pose)

Due to how much spinal mobility we experience after twisting, it could possibly be helpful to complete with poses that stabilize your low belly and transverse abdominus. Along with working the abdominals, Urdhva Prasarita Padasana prompts the psoas, which is the first muscle that attracts our legs toward our torso. This makes it a reliable pose for core stabilization.

How you can: From lying in your mat, lift your legs and straighten them toward the ceiling straight above your hips. If straightening your legs causes your lower back to round or feel restricted, bend your knees anywhere from barely to 90 degrees. You wish your lower back to feel as neutral and evenly long as possible. Release your arms to the mat alongside your body, palms facing down.

Woman lying on her yoga mat with her legs straight in front of her hovering above the mat for core work(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

On an inhalation, keep your legs together as you lower them until they hover an inch above the mat. In your exhalation, draw your legs back up above your pelvis. Proceed on this breath cadence—inhale to lower and exhale to lift—for five full rounds. In case your lower back feels unstable, you’ll be able to do that along with your knees bent or try lowering one leg at a time. After your final round, hug your knees into your chest.

Woman lying on her back in Savasana with her legs, body, and arms relaxing on the mat and her eyes closed(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

 Savasana (Corpse Pose)

It’s at all times fun to get creative with Savasana after themed go-to practices, like doing a grounding version when you’ve got worked inversions, or bending knees out to the side as a hip-opener after you’ve got done lots of straight-legged poses. But after such a deep twisting practice, it not only feels aligning but somewhat freeing to do the normal version of Savasana. It’s the last word counter to the entire compressive shapes we have now taken.

How you can:  Stretch your legs straight and barely wider than your hips. Loosen up your arms by your sides, palms facing up. When you are comfortable closing your eyes, consider covering them with a towel or eye pillow. Take a couple of deep breaths, allowing the ground to completely support your body. Observe the softening of your muscles, face, and jaw. Bathe in the results of your labor. Remain here for five minutes if possible.

If you end up able to move, reach your arms overhead. Pull your knees in toward your chest, roll to 1 side, and are available to take a seat. Observe if you happen to can still feel that central line of the body and maybe set the intention to stay connected to your center today, no matter what is occurring outside of you.

About our contributor

Sarah Ezrin is an writer, world-renowned yoga educator, popular Instagram influencer, and mama based within the San Francisco Bay Area. Her willingness to be unabashedly honest and vulnerable along along with her innate wisdom make her writing, yoga classes, and social media great sources of healing and inner peace for many individuals. Sarah is changing the world, teaching self-love one person at a time. She can also be the writer of The Yoga of Parenting. You may follow her on Instagram at @sarahezrinyoga and TikTok at @sarahezrin.


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