Home Yoga Go-To Restorative Yoga Sequence

Go-To Restorative Yoga Sequence

Go-To Restorative Yoga Sequence

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I’ve all the time found it reassuring that the majority of my students appear to have the identical energy level as each other on any given day. I arrive for sophistication some days and everyone seems to be completely abuzz. On other days, they’re all lying on the ground in some type of supported posture as in the event that they’re at a Restorative Yoga class.

Witnessing everyone feel the identical thing jogs my memory that we’re deeply influenced by the world around us, whether current events or the Sun, Moon, and stars. I find it reassuring that we’re not alone in our experiences.

On the times their pleading eyes tell me that they need to relax, I turn to my “restorative-ish” go-to yoga sequence.

The “-ish” is because I’m a vinyasa flow teacher, so there are still some lively poses included. But all of us can profit from a more restorative approach to yoga every infrequently, and I appreciate having the ability to give that chance to others, regardless of what kind of yoga they typically practice.

Go-to Restorative Yoga (or Restorative-ish) sequence

For this practice, I ask students to take a bolster (or a pair pillows in case you’re at home), two blocks, two blankets, and one strap (or a belt).

(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Supported Balasana (Child’s Pose)

This may be my favorite restorative pose. Whereas the classic Child’s Pose may be difficult and uncomfortable for a lot of us, the somewhat upright quality of this variation makes it more accessible. Also, hugging the bolster can feel comforting and encourage us to melt and loosen up. Nonetheless, it’s value noting that some people find burying their face within the bolster confining and stressful. Be at liberty to come back out early and sit quietly for a couple of moments. In case you prefer, you possibly can practice it without the bolster or skip the pose and move onto the subsequent posture.

The way to: Arrange 2 blocks on the front of the mat so the one at the sting is in the very best position and the one closer to you is on the center or lowest level. Rest a bolster against them in order that it’s angled upward. Take Child’s Pose by coming onto your knees facing the bolster. Bring your big toes to the touch and separate your knees. Sink your hips toward your heels. Lean forward, bring your brow to the bolster, and wrap your arms around it. Make certain your upper body is supported and elevated. You possibly can roll up a blanket and place it under your brow as a pillow or you possibly can turn your head to at least one side. Close your eyes and take several moments to determine your breath. Remain for 3 minutes in case you are able. In case your head is turned, switch it to face the other way halfway through. Slowly come as much as sitting and pause.

Woman on hands and knees in Cow Pose in yoga on her yoga mat with her back arched(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow)

On days when our energy is low, it’s nice to do more freestyle flows versus alignment-heavy ones. I like to think about it as letting our body move us, using its innate intelligence to get into the areas where it needs. Cat-Cow is used as a breath and wrist warm-up, however it’s also excellent at targeting all of the available movements of our spine. The normal sequence goes between flexion (rounding) and extension (backbending). Consider adding side bending (lateral flexion) and even rotation by opening your arms to the perimeters and twisting your torso open.

The way to: From Supported Child’s Pose, set your props neatly off to the side and take Tabletop. Align your knees beneath your hips and your wrists barely ahead of your shoulders. Inhale and lift your heart toward the ceiling as you arch your back in Cow.

Woman on hands and knees on her yoga mat in Cat Pose with her back rounded and her neck relaxed in a restorative yoga position

As you exhale, round your back in Cat. Repeat this on the breath for a couple of rounds. Then be at liberty to let it riff as your body desires. For instance, you possibly can add in hip circles or side bends. Simply move your body in tune along with your respiratory.

Woman on her yoga mat practicing Triangle Pose with block in a restorative yoga approach with her right hand supported(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

You don’t ordinarily see a standing pose during a “restorative” practice. But once you’re taking this super wide and well-supported Triangle, you’ll feel why it’s such an incredible complement to the remaining of the practice.

The way to: From Tabletop, go through Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) for a couple of breaths. You possibly can freestyle here, like you probably did in your Cat/Cows, by pedaling your legs or doing side stretches. Take few deep sighs. If you’re ready, walk your hands back to your feet. Inhale your chest forward into Ardha Uttanasana (Standing Half Forward Bend), exhale your hands to your hips, and inhale as you rise to standing.

Turn and face the long side of the mat, standing at the middle.  Step your feet out wide and set your two blocks up behind your feet. Bring your hands onto your hips. Turn your right leg so your toes face away out of your midline and toward the front of the mat. Angle your back foot and hip in barely, aligning your feet heel-to-heel. On an inhale, stretch your arms wide out to the perimeters at shoulder height. On an exhale, tip your pelvis over your front thigh and place your right hand on a block just outside of your front foot in Triangle Pose. Even in case you’re capable of reach the ground, think about using the block today to remind yourself that you simply are accepting support.  (You possibly can move the block inside your foot in case you need.) Reach your top arm toward the ceiling. Since today’s practice is somewhat more mellow, consider looking down at the ground as an alternative of up on the ceiling. Hold for 10 breaths. Use an inhale to lift your trunk back upright. Parallel your feet and produce your hands to your hips before you repeat in your left side.

Woman on her yoga mat with her feet wide and her hands shoulder distance apart and a block beneath her head in a restorative yoga version of a pose(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Prasarita Padottanasana A (Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend)

We hold our heads up all day long, letting our minds rule our lives. This version of Prasarita Padottanasana helps create anatomical space in our neck and likewise creates metaphorical mental space as we learn to really let our heads hang and release.

The way to: After Trikonasana, grab your blocks, stand facing the long side of the mat, and place your blocks in front of you. Reach your arms straight out to the perimeters out of your shoulders and step your feet out as wide as your hands. Bring your hands to your hips and, on an inhale, lift your chest toward the ceiling. On an exhale, fold at your hip crease, bringing your hands to your shins or the mat, shoulder-width apart. Inhale your chest forward again, and this time if you exhale, fold forward as much as is comfortable and walk your hands between your feet. Bend your elbows and stack them over your wrists. Pull the blocks toward you and rest the crown of your head on the stacked blocks. In case you need props under your hands and your head, get creative, either using additional blocks, if you’ve gotten access to them, or subbing in your bolster or pillows. Lift your shoulders away out of your ears. Breathe here for 15 to twenty breath cycles. On an inhale reach your chest forward. Exhale as you pause and produce your hands back to your hips. Inhale and slowly rise all of the technique to standing and step your feet together.

Woman lying on her yoga mat with a bolster beneath her back and a block beneath her feet resting in Bridge Pose(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Supported Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge Pose)

Alright, alright. Now let’s get into some shapes which may be more in step with what most of us consider as restorative: poses where we get to lie down or be near the ground and fully cocooned by props. This version of Bridge Pose is great at passively opening our chest and front body. Please note that in case your low back feels stiff or sore, a helpful tweak may be taking your legs higher than your pelvis, which implies scooching your seat near a chair and resting your calves on it.

The way to: From standing on the front of the mat, be at liberty to take Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation A) if you’ve gotten the need and energy to flow somewhat. Otherwise, come all the way down to the ground and once more, gather your whole props.

Place your bolster lengthwise along the middle of the mat and sit at the sting of the bolster closest to you. Straighten your legs and place your block there. Then make a loop around your ankles with the strap, bend your knees, and place your feet on the ground about hip-distance apart. Cinch your strap to maintain this distance between your legs. Lie down in your bolster and slide backward toward the highest of your mat until your shoulder blades are on the bolster’s edge and your upper back is directly on the mat. Straighten your legs and place your heels on the block, lengthening yourself out fully. In case your lower back is tender, keep your knees bent and your feet on the mat. In case you prefer, you possibly can turn the block higher or move to a wall and rest your legs against it to have your feet above your pelvis. Take your arms to the perimeters and bend your elbows. Cover your eyes, close them, or just soften your gaze. Lie here quietly for 3 to five minutes. Coming out, slip your feet out from the strap, bend your knees, and place your feet on the ground. Roll over to at least one side. Use your opposite arm to press as much as sitting slowly.

Woman lying on her back on a bolster with her knees bent and her arms resting at her sides in a soothing supported yoga pose(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Supported Supta Baddha Konasana (Supported Reclining Sure Angle Pose)

A lot of us curl in to guard ourselves instinctually making ourselves small as a response to habitual stress. There’s a component of unfurling that comes with this posture as we give up our entire front body open.

Reclining Sure Angle may be an incredible Savasana substitute that may be propped much more by adding blocks beneath the knees to support your thighs and calves.

The way to: Keep your bolster in the middle of the mat. Take a blanket, fold it over over again from standard fold, and place it at the highest of the bolster. This can act as a pillow.

Sit in front of your bolster so your bum is on the short end of the bolster. Make a big loop of your strap. Touch the soles of your feet together and pull your heels toward your hips. Line up your strap along with your sacrum (the back of your pelvis) after which run it along your inner thighs, finally looping it around your feet. The purpose of the strap is to support your lower back and sacroiliac joint, where your pelvis and spine meet. It may also accentuate the inner thigh release. Slowly lie back on the bolster, using the blanket as a pillow. Let your arms release by your sides and switch your palms upward. Lie here quietly for 3 to five minutes.

If you find yourself ready to come back out, slip your legs out from the strap and straighten them, lying quietly for a couple of moments. Bend your knees and roll to at least one side. Slowly press yourself as much as sitting.

Woman sitting on her yoga mat with her legs wide and her chest leaning forward onto a stack of blankets. (Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Supported Upavistha Konasana (Supported Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend)

This particular variation of a typical forward bend was a game changer for me while pregnant. Some restorative versions of this pose ask you to pile a bunch of props together willy-nilly, like a Jenga tower, where you possibly can rest your brow. That may feel unstable for some. I much prefer to construct a “prop shelf” at an appropriate height in your body and in a way that feels stable and supportive. For instance, set your blocks on the medium setting a foot or so apart and place the bolster or pillows across the highest of them to create a shelf. It’s possible you’ll need to make use of several pillows or place some folded blankets on top to make the “shelf” taller.

How-to: Grab 2 blocks and your bolster or some firm pillows and blankets. Turn to face the long side of the mat and open your legs wide. Stack your bolster, blankets, and blocks between your legs. I prefer to alternate the direction of my blankets so the tassels are on opposing sides at each blanket level.

Inhale as you reach your arms up and as you exhale, bend forward to bring your upper body over the props nonetheless is comfortable for you.  (In case you are using the shelf, cross your forearms and make a stack of your palms and use them as a pillow to rest your brow.) It’s okay in case your spine rounds a bit. In restorative poses, it’s way more about releasing tension and receiving stillness than it’s forcing yourself to carry a specific shape. If having your brow down shouldn’t be comfortable in your neck, try turning your head to rest on one side; halfway through the pose, turn it to the opposite side. Rest here for 3-5 minutes. Slowly come back to sitting and pause before moving to our final shape.

Woman lying flat on her yoga mat with her face down and a bolster beneath her chest. Her legs are extended straight behind her and she is relaxing.(Photo: Sarah Ezrin)

Prone Savasana

This face-down version of Savasana is an anxiety-reducer for me. I find it comforting to have a bolster hugging into my belly. Play with the position of your head, either keeping your brow down or turning your head to at least one side.

Please note: In case you are pregnant or claustrophobic, take the standard version of Savasana in your back or be at liberty to repeat Supta Baddha Konasana or every other leisure pose that feels profoundly restful for you.

The way to: Bring your bolster lengthwise down the middle of the mat again. Take one among your blankets and fold it right into a square. Put it a couple of foot above the highest of your bolster. Roll a second blanket up and place it horizontally (so perpendicular to the bolster) a foot away from the underside end of your mat.

Lie on top of your props, face down, with the bolster running out of your chest to your thighs. Your brow will rest in your folded blanket up top. (Please note the peak and spacing may must be adjusted to ensure that the blanket is high enough for correct space in your nose. Rest your ankles on the rolled blanket at the underside of your mat. Reach your arms out to the perimeters, so your elbows are in step with your shoulder and your palms face down. Remain here for from 5-7 minutes.

When it’s time to come back out, bring your palms beneath your shoulders and press as much as Tabletop. In case you like or need, take a couple of hip rolls or Cat/Cows before sinking back to Child’s Pose for as little or so long as you want. Roll yourself upright and pause before resuming your day or settling into your evening.

About our contributor

Sarah Ezrin is an writer, world-renowned yoga educator, popular Instagram influencer, and mama based within the San Francisco Bay Area. Her willingness to be unabashedly honest and vulnerable along together with her innate wisdom make her writing, yoga classes, and social media great sources of healing and inner peace for many individuals. Sarah is changing the world, teaching self-love one person at a time. She can be the writer of The Yoga of Parenting. You possibly can follow her on Instagram at @sarahezrinyoga and TikTok at @sarahezrin.


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