Home Fitness The Ultimate At-Home Chest Workout for Bodybuilding

The Ultimate At-Home Chest Workout for Bodybuilding

The Ultimate At-Home Chest Workout for Bodybuilding

In the event you’re working to construct a superhero physique, you would possibly occasionally train in your “fortress of solitude” or “bat cave” — meaning at home. Some lifters utilize home workouts to keep up consistency and training frequency once they can’t make it to the gym. Others may go for the convenience of an at-home workout over the range of exercises a business gym offers. Whatever the explanation for training at home, anyone can construct a Herculean body of their lounge or garage. 

MDV Edwards / Shutterstock

And the centerpiece of an aesthetic physique is the chest. Those seeking to construct muscle — generally known as bodybuilders — can and may do that efficient workout that delivers a sturdy training stimulus to all significant parts of the chest. This workout requires only a couple of dumbbells, a bench, a resistance band, and your body weight. Gather your gear and prepare for a superhuman chest pump.  

The best way to Train Your Chest Muscles

The visible slabs of chest muscle consist primarily of pectoralis major. This fan-shaped muscle covers several smaller muscles. Owing to its outstanding location and size, the pectoralis major dominates the aesthetics of the upper torso. In the event you care to learn the functional anatomy underlying chest training, class is “in session” below. 

Chest Anatomy

Bodybuilders commonly divide the pectoralis major into two major parts: The clavicular head and the sternocostal head. 

The clavicular head is situated just below the collar bones and comprises the “upper chest.” The sternocostal head originates from the breastbone and ribs, making up the midportion of pectoralis major. 

Although the division between these two heads shouldn’t be visibly identifiable, they’re distinct from developmental, neuromuscular, and functional perspectives. (1)(2)(3) 

The clavicular and sternocostal heads have different lines of motion on the shoulder joint, contributing inequitably to varied shoulder movements. (3) Due to this fact, various chest exercises train or bias different portions of the chest. 

As a general rule…

  • Shoulder flexion (i.e. pushing or lifting in front of the body) is dominated by the clavicular head. (3) 
  • Shoulder adduction (i.e. pulling the arms into the edges of the body, like with a lat pulldown) is achieved primarily by the sternocostal head (3)(4) 
  • Horizontal adduction (i.e. pulling the upper arms inward when the elbows are at shoulder height, as in a wide-grip press or wide push-up) is achieved by each heads

Nonetheless, the upper chest is more engaged when force is directed inward and barely upward (as in an incline barbell press, push-up, or low-to-high cable flye) (4)(5) The sternocostal head is biased when the force is directed inward and barely downward (as in a decline press or high-to-low cable flye) or when the arm is externally rotated (as within the flat bench dumbbell flye exercise). (5)

The Workout

Altogether, an excellent chest workout, just like the one below, hits each the clavicular and sternocostal heads of the pectoralis major. Other muscles trained in the course of the chest workout are the triceps brachii, serratus anterior, and anterior deltoid. As a bonus, chest exercises also can hit various stabilizing muscles, resembling the rotator cuff, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis minor, and trapezius. 

Incline Dumbbell Flye Press 

Incline presses primarily goal the upper chest. (4)(5) So the incline dumbbell flye press is a brilliant variation on the normal variation, as eccentric contractions (i.e. lengthening the muscle under load) are stronger than concentric, or “up phase,” contractions. (6) Training techniques that increase demand on the goal musculature in the course of the eccentric exploit this phenomenon. 

The  incline dumbbell flye press requires the lifter to perform the concentric as a “press” and the eccentric as a “flye” — This method puts more demand on the chest when the muscle is stronger during lowering.

  • The best way to Do it: Set an adjustable bench to the incline position (i.e. 45 to 60 degrees). Perform your working sets with dumbbells lighter than you’d typically incline press, but barely heavier than you’d normally use for a dumbbell flye. Keeping your forearms vertical, press the dumbbells toward the ceiling. At the highest, ensure your palms face one another and unlock your elbows. Lower the weights by allowing your arms to drift apart. At the underside of the movement, it’s best to feel a stretch across your chest. Pull your elbows toward your ribcage to reset for the following repetition. 
  • Sets and Reps: 3 x 8-12
  • Rest Time: Rest 90-120 seconds between sets

Advantages of the Incline Dumbbell Flye Press

  • It stretches your muscles under a heavier load than you would typically use for flyes, creating more eccentric tension, an enormous driver in muscle growth. (6) 
  • This movement targets the upper chest, and constructing this portion of your chest contributes to a more complete-looking torso. 

Banded Dumbbell Bench Press with Bands

Adding a band to your dumbbell press adds more tension to the highest of the lift, where lifters are typically stronger. As a substitute of attending to that phase of the press and “resting” the extra band resistance places your pecs under more stress, making each phase of the lift as difficult as possible. 

So, for those who’re on the lookout for a straightforward variable resistance setup or training with a limited dumbbell selection, try the dumbbell bench press with a band.  (7)

  • The best way to Do it: Wrap a moderate-thickness resistance band around your back, holding an end in each hand. Make sure the band is below your shoulder blades. Pick up a pair of dumbbells while holding the bands. Lie on a flat bench. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and create a slight arch in your spine. Press the dumbbells toward the ceiling until elbows are straight. Lower with control. 
  • Sets and Reps: 3 x 6-10
  • Rest Time: Rest 90-120 seconds between sets

Advantages of the Dumbbell Bench Press with Band

  • Training with variable resistance may promote improved training effects, resembling strength (8) and fatigue resistance (9) with lower perceptions of exertion. (10)
  • This is a straightforward and self-contained variable resistance setup. Unlike traditional bench press with bands, this dumbbell version doesn’t require an influence rack with band anchors. 

Bench Dip 

Dips train the chest and triceps brachii from a position of shoulder extension. Dips performed with hands set wider than shoulder width promote adduction and bias the mid and lower pecs. (3) The underside position of the bench dip applies a profound loaded stretch to pectoralis major, increasing mechanical tension. 

Since mechanical tension is considered a primary mechanism of muscle growth (11), the bench dip may prove to be amongst essentially the most effective chest-building exercises. Nonetheless, do not forget that it is a body weight exercise and might not be difficult for relatively strong lifters. To get essentially the most out of the dip, perform enough repetitions to supply fatigue. (12) 

  • The best way to Do it: Sit along the long fringe of a flat bench along with your legs prolonged. Place your hands wider than shoulder-width on the bench. Move your heels six to eight inches forward and support your body in your heels and hands. Lower your body toward the ground by allowing your elbows to bend and your upper arms to maneuver backward and out. Return to the highest position by straightening your elbows and drawing your arms toward your ribcage. 
  • Sets and Reps: 2 x 12-16
  • Rest Time: Rest 90-120 seconds between sets

Advantages of the Bench Dip 

  • The chest experiences a “loaded stretch” at the underside of the bench dip. This feature may promote accelerated muscle growth. (11)
  • During body weight dips, pectoralis major activity has been shown to extend as fatigue builds, illustrating why you must take this particular movement to failure. (12)
  • The dip also trains pectoralis minor, a deep chest muscle, and the lower a part of trapezius, a midback muscle. 

Push-Up Drop Set

A drop set is a resistance training technique consisting of a set taken to failure, followed by a “drop” or reduction in load, then immediately performing as many additional repetitions as possible. (13) To increase the technique, a lifter may perform multiple “drops,” but little to no rest must be taken between them. 

The push-up is a staple body weight exercise for constructing the chest and arms; nevertheless, for strong lifters, it might not be difficult enough for efficient programming. It’s not unusual for lifters to hit multiple sets of 30, 40, and even 50-plus repetitions of push-ups per straight set. Fortunately, drop sets make training more efficient without sacrificing strength or hypertrophy outcomes. (13) Finish your chest workout strong with this push-up drop set.

  • The best way to Do it: In the event you can perform 10 or more traditional push-ups consecutively, begin the push-up drop set with a resistance band wrapped around your back just under the shoulder blades. Otherwise, start along with your body weight. Get right into a push-up position. Lower to the ground, then ward off to the highest position. Perform the primary banded set until failure, then immediately transition to a body weight push-up. Perform until failure, after which perform a push-up in your knees to failure.
  • Sets and Reps: 1 set of three drop sets
  • Rest Time: None.

Advantages of the Push-Up Drop Set

  • In comparison with straight sets, drop sets are expected to end in similar hypertrophy and strength adaptations while requiring less training time. (13)
  • This drop set promotes a chest and triceps “pump,” which, for a lot of lifters, is an undeniable sign of a top quality workout.

The best way to Warm-Up for Your Chest Workout 

Although any warmup can set the stage for a greater workout, the R.A.M.P. warmup protocol is amongst essentially the most robust. Popularized by Coach Ian Jeffries, R.A.M.P. stands for “Raise, Activate, Mobilize, and Potentiate.” (14) A sample R.A.M.P. warmup for chest or upper body pushing workouts is provided.

  • R: Raise your body temperature, metabolic rate, and respiratory rate by performing five to eight minutes of an aerobic exercise of your selection — jogging, jumping rope, or performing jumping jacks are accessible options for at-home workouts. 
  • A: Activate the muscles you’re about to coach. Along with the chest muscles, the posterior rotator cuff is extremely energetic during pressing. (15) Various chest exercises also engage the latissimus dorsi and midback muscles.
    • Band External Rotation: Hold a light-weight band in front of your stomach with palms up. Stretch the band by rotating your upper arms and forearms out. Perform a single set of 10 to fifteen repetitions. 
    • Band Pull Apart: Hold a resistance band at shoulder height along with your elbows straight and an overhand or neutral grip on the band. Stretch the band by pulling your arms apart. Perform a single set of 12 to fifteen repetitions.
    • Overhead Band Pull Apart: to involve the chest and latissimus dorsi as shoulder adductors. Hold the band above your head and stretch it as you pull your arms toward your sides. Stop and return to the highest position when the band touches your upper back. Perform a single set of 12 to fifteen repetitions.
  • M: Mobilize the wrists, shoulders, and midback.
    • Plank to Pike: Begin in a high plank position supported by palms and toes. Using your arms, push your hips back so far as you possibly can without rounding your back or bending your knees. Return to the beginning position with control. Perform a single set of 12 to fifteen repetitions. 
    • *Reverse Plank: Sit on the ground along with your torso leaned barely back, knees and hips bent, with heels on the ground. Place your hands on the ground beneath your shoulders. Bridge your hips toward the ceiling to mobilize your shoulders into extension. Lower to the ground. Perform a single set of 12 to fifteen repetitions. 
  • P: Fan the flames of your neuromuscular system for peak performance.
    • Incline Plyo Push-Up: Assume the push up position with hands at shoulder width or barely wider on the long fringe of a flat bench. Lower your chest toward the bench then ballistically push up, launching your upper body away from the bench. Land in your palms, allowing your elbows to bend to soak up the impact. Perform two sets of three to 5 repetitions. 

No Have to Leave the Fortress of Solitude

In your quest to attain a superhero physique, missed workouts are kryptonite. This efficient chest workout will be performed at home with limited equipment and might aid you to keep up consistency. Higher yet, advanced training techniques and functional anatomy principles will aid you to construct a chest worthy of a capital “S.” 


  1. Al-Qattan, M. M., Yang, Y., & Kozin, S. H. (2009). Embryology of the upper limb. The Journal of Hand Surgery, 34(7), 1340-1350.
  2. Haładaj, R., et al. (2019). Anatomical variations of the pectoralis major muscle: notes on their impact on pectoral nerve innervation patterns and discussion on their clinical relevance. BioMed Research International, doi.org/10.1155/2019/6212039.
  3. Ackland, D. C., et al. (2008). Moment arms of the muscles crossing the anatomical shoulder. Journal of Anatomy, 213(4), 383-390.
  4. dos Santos Albarello, et al. (2022). Non-uniform excitation of pectoralis major induced by changes in bench press inclination results in uneven variations within the cross-sectional area measured by panoramic ultrasonography. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 67, 102722.
  5. Lee, H. M. (2019). Force direction and arm position affect contribution of clavicular and sternal parts of pectoralis major muscle during muscle strength testing. Journal of Hand Therapy, 32(1), 71-79.
  6. Walker, S., et al. (2016). Greater strength gains after training with accentuated eccentric than traditional isoinertial loads in already strength-trained men. Frontiers in Physiology, 7, 149.
  7. McMaster, D. T., Cronin, J., & McGuigan, M. (2009). Types of variable resistance training. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 31(1), 50-64.
  8. Joy, J. M., et al. (2016). Elastic bands as a component of periodized resistance training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(8), 2100-2106.
  9. Walker, S., et al. (2013). Variable resistance training promotes greater fatigue resistance but not hypertrophy versus constant resistance training. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113(9), 2233-2244.
  10. Baena-Morales, S., et al. (2022). Comparative evaluation of a bench press using strength methods with and without intra-repetition variable resistance. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(3), 820-828.
  11. Wackerhage, H., et al. (2019). Stimuli and sensors that initiate skeletal muscle hypertrophy following resistance exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 136, 30-43
  12. McKenzie, A., et al. (2022). Fatigue increases muscle activations but doesn’t change maximal joint angles in the course of the bar dip. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 14390.
  13. Coleman, M., et al. (2022). Muscular adaptations in drop set vs. traditional training: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 2(1).
  14. Jeffreys, I. (2006). Warm up revisited–the ‘ramp’ approach to optimising performance preparation. UKSCA Journal, 6, 15-19.
  15. Wattanaprakornkul, D., et al. (2011). Direction-specific recruitment of rotator cuff muscles during bench press and row. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 21(6), 1041-1049.

Featured Image: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock


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