Home Fitness Find out how to Do the Renegade Row for Conditioning and Core Strength

Find out how to Do the Renegade Row for Conditioning and Core Strength

Find out how to Do the Renegade Row for Conditioning and Core Strength

The recent rise (and arguably unnecessary obsession) with “functional training” has seen the renegade row turn into a staple in CrossFit, fitness boot camps, and body weight workouts the world over.

It’s likely that many gym-goers or home-gym lifters have done this ground-based exercise not less than a couple of times before — holding a straight-arm plank while performing alternating dumbbell rows — to construct conditioning and head-to-toe strength and stability.

Credit: Dragon Images / Shutterstock

Should you’re going to do the renegade row, it’s time to be sure that you’re performing it properly. Here’s how and when to incorporate it in your workout routine, plus a couple of effective variations to take this popular movement up a notch.

Renegade Row

Find out how to Do the Renegade Row

The renegade row is a style of combination exercise — performing a static plank while concurrently performing a rowing motion. So before you are trying the renegade row, you must have some basic experience performing each of those exercises individually. Then grab two dumbbells or kettlebells and prepare to work. 

Step 1 — Set Your Hands and Feet

muscular person in outdoor gym in straight-arm plankCredit: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock

Get on the bottom with a dumbbell in each hand, placed just inside shoulder-width. Set your feet barely wider than hip-width and straighten your legs. Ensure you may really push into the bottom along with your feet, which can assist you successfully create tension in your whole body. Don’t let your hips sag down or arch high. Hold a straight line out of your ankles to your neck. This stable plank position is the “base” for every repetition of the exercise.

Form tip: Placing your hands directly under shoulders can be great technique for a normal plank, but remember this is just not only a plank. Having your hands a bit closer goes to assist your stability by reducing the burden transfer back and forth as you turn arms during each repetition. It will make it much easier to create tension in your plank while keeping your hips nearly level.

Step 2 – Press and Pull

muscular person in outdoor gym doing dumbbell rowCredit: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock

Squeeze each dumbbells extra-hard and actively push one arm toward the bottom without bending it. It will create more stability through your upper body. (1) As you drive that arm down, lift the other elbow up and back, moving the burden toward your front pocket in an arching motion, not in a straight line to the ceiling. Maintain total-body tension and fight the burden pulling you off-balance.

When the dumbbell is near your torso, return it back to the ground slowly. The exercise is about control and consistency, not rushing through reps as quickly as possible. Drive your second arm toward the bottom and row the primary dumbbell. Repeat the movement, alternating sides with each repetition.

Form tip: As you row your elbow up and back, it’s going to be tempting to lift that very same side hip and shoulder because rotating your body might assist you with the lift. As a substitute, move toward the challenge, literally. Should you are rowing on the proper side, your body will naturally need to lift your right hip. As a substitute, as you pull your elbow up, actively push your right hip right down to resist the twist and keep your hips level. This may also assist you to remain more braced through your midsection and recruit more abdominal muscles.

Renegade Row Mistakes to Avoid

The exercise involves head-to-toe coordination and stability, so there are some common mistake that may occur with such a giant movement. Listed here are some issues to look at out for.

Keeping Your Feet Too Close

When your feet are set too narrow, it would be nearly unattainable to do anything aside from simply shift your weight back and forth as you progress through the rep. It’s extremely difficult to keep up a plank position because close feet create a really small base of support, so you find yourself just doing a row in a extremely inefficient position.

long-haired person in gym holding plank positionCredit: SOK Studio / Shutterstock

Keeping your feet set barely wider than your hands will put you in a strong stance to perform the movement without sacrificing stability. In case your feet are too close, you’ll be off-balance from the beginning and unable to generate enough force to efficiently lift the dumbbell.

Avoid it: If you get into the starting position, be sure that your feet are greater than hip-width apart to provide a large enough point of contact for stability. If you row, you shouldn’t be liable to tipping to 1 side or the opposite.

Twisting Your Body

Rotating your body to get the burden moving means you’re using momentum to assist pull the dumbbell off the ground as a substitute of using your back muscles. When this happens, you find yourself with a really poor row and a really poor plank. That’s a lose-lose situation.

long-haired person in gym doing dumbbell row exerciseCredit: Anel Alijagic / Shutterstock

If you shift your body to 1 side, you drastically reduce the necessity to stabilize your core, which takes away from the complete point of the exercise. You would possibly find yourself doing extra reps, but each rep is less effective at constructing strength and conditioning.

Avoid it: Attempt to concentrate on body awareness and feel your shoulders and hips staying nearly level throughout the complete exercise, as you lift and lower the weights. Fighting to maintain your body in position is what’s going to deliver the outcomes you’re after.

Tapping the Weight to Your Chest

If you’re performing the renegade row, concentrate on the movement of your elbow as a substitute of what’s happening with the dumbbell itself. In case your elbow starts and finishes in the proper place, the dumbbell will follow.

person outdoors performing dumbbell floor exerciseCredit: Maridav / Shutterstock

When the load gets too heavy or if you concentrate on “bringing the dumbbell to your ribs,” you lose range of motion because the main target shifts away from essentially the most effective technique

Avoid it: Concentrate to every individual repetition and perform it properly, without regard to the precise weight you’re moving. Go step-by-step and follow the technique suggestions, and avoid any instinct to make the dumbbell a key player within the movement.

Find out how to Progress the Renegade Row

Deciding how and when to progress this movement could be difficult and there should be some special considerations since it is a mixture we should not just progressing one movement. 

Technique Over Weight or Volume

The renegade row isn’t well-suited for handling heavy weights, training with extreme intensities (muscle failure), or using high volume (many sets and reps). As a substitute, performing the exercise with greater competency and crisp form is the true key to long-term success and results.

Steadily adding even one or two reps per set, or one or two sets, each workout would offer you an ideal opportunity to perform some very effective, high-quality work.

Plank Shoulder Tap

One modification to the renegade row is to swap the dumbbell row for an unweighted shoulder tap, reaching one arm across your body to evenly tough the shoulder of your base arm.

This bodyweight-only exercise trains similar total-body stability and strength by teaching you find out how to stay tight in a plank position while alternating between single-hand support. You’ll also construct core strength to maintain your body level and avoid twisting as you progress.

Unilateral Renegade Row

One other effective modification the renegade row can be to do all reps unilaterally (with one arm) before switching arms. This creates more localized fatigue within the muscles on the precise side you’re working.

While the unilateral renegade row emphasizes the back muscles and core stability, it might be barely less difficult rotationally because your body isn’t repeatedly adjusting from between alternating sides.

Advantages of the Renegade Row

The renegade row is just not an ideal exercise selection for improving absolute strength because you may’t move heavy weights. It’s also not ideal for hypertrophy (muscle-building) since it doesn’t focus a particular body part with the time under tension needed to stimulate growth. (2) Nonetheless, it might be an incredibly useful exercise to deal with often missed features of many training plans.

Core Control

The renegade row is an entire core exercise that may construct strength and stability, while also improving your ability to maneuver your upper body limbs across the rib cage. This carries over to athletic performance and large lifts.

A stronger core may help reduce the chance of back injuries and may boost performance, especially in sports where running and alter of direction are involved. (3) Training your body to keep up trunk stability while manipulating your arms is usually a big consider avoiding “strength leaks,” which may reduce power output.

Strength-Endurance (aka Conditioning)

To perform the renegade row competently, you have to take your time with a comparatively moderate to light load and moderate to higher repetitions since the exercise isn’t conducive to very heavy weights or very low reps.

The duration of every set creates a stimulus that’s more endurance-based, which contributes to muscle-specific endurance within the recruited body parts (especially the back, shoulders, arms, and abs). The overall-body exercise also contributed to overall cardiovascular endurance — after your first set of 15 or more reps, you’ll notice what form of cardio shape you’re really in.

Muscles Worked by the Renegade Row

The mix of the plank position and single-arm row will recruit numerous muscle groups across the body, regardless that the renegade row is typically considered either an ab exercise or a back exercise.

Internal Obliques

These deep core muscles are liable for controlling your pelvis and creating posterior tilt, together with the hamstrings. The inner obliques assist you to create and maintain tension with the opposite core muscles, just like the transverse abdominals and the rectus abdominis. In addition they work significantly to withstand rotation if you raise the dumbbell on either side throughout the renegade row.

Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

These muscles work together throughout the exercise, as they’re recruited in an isometric motion (with none significant range of motion) as you push into the bottom and keep the arms fully prolonged. The chest, shoulders, and triceps of your base arm fire as you row the other side, although the rear portion of the shoulder on the working side also assists to lift the burden.

Lats, Rhomboids, and Trapezius

This series of separate back muscles work together to place the row in “renegade row.” They’re recruited throughout the concentric (lifting) motion they usually control the burden back to the bottom throughout the eccentric (lowering) phase.

Depending in your arm length and range of motion, not the entire muscles may achieve the style of full stretch and peak contraction that contribute to major muscle growth.

Find out how to Program the Renegade Row

The renegade row is commonly performed either as a standalone exercise or as a part of a fancy with other body weight or basic dumbbell exercises. It is basically a core exercise, and matches well at either the start of a workout (much like a full-body warm-up to enhance movement quality) or at the tip of a workout as a high intensity core finisher.

Light to Moderate Weight, Moderate to High Repetition

To keep up an emphasis on strict technique, follow a weight that’s difficult for no fewer than 8-10 reps — should you go much heavier than that, you’re more likely to compromise form to maneuver the burden. Generally, training the renegade row with two or three sets of 12 to twenty reps can deliver a significant stimulus for conditioning and muscular stimulation.

Movement Quality

One unique option to incorporate the renegade row in the beginning of your workout is with a fast circuit, pairing the exercise with two or three core-focused body weight movements. Perform three to 5 sets of the complete sequence, with no rest between each exercise and 30 to 60 seconds rest between each circuit.

  • Renegade Row — 10 reps
  • Deadbug — 10 reps
  • Side Plank — 30 seconds per side
  • Medicine Ball Throw — 10 reps

Core Finisher

You can too end your training session with a finisher that features the renegade row and emphasizes the abs. Repeat the series for as many rounds as possible inside five minutes.

  • Renegade Row — 10 reps
  • Leg Raise — 10 reps
  • Sit-Up — 10 reps
  • Hole Hold — 20 seconds

Renegade Row Variations

The renegade row could be pretty complete by itself, but there are a couple of variations that may take it even further. By adding the proper movements to the fundamental renegade row, you may get more muscle recruitment and an even bigger overall training stimulus.

Renegade Row Push-Up

Probably the most difficult renegade row variations involves adding a push-up between each row. Special consideration must be taken here because now you have to be highly competent at three different exercises (the plank, dumbbell row, and push-up), so it’s definitely not a beginners-level movement.

This variation works thoroughly as a part of a circuit with two or three other exercises, resembling mountain climbers and the dumbbell deadlift, where the renegade row may very well be performed with lower reps but repeated for more total sets.

Renegade Row Burpee

The burpee itself has a powerful “find it irresistible or hate it” popularity with many lifters, but it might flow easily at the tip of a renegade row since the plank also the underside position of a burpee.

Transitioning from the renegade row to the burpee can either be done with a fast and seamless transition, for a high intensity conditioning effect, or you may briefly pause within the plank position after the second row before jumping your feet in. This will help prevent form breakdown.


Are you able to construct strength with the renegade row?

Yes, you may construct a level of strength, however it’s technically relative strength fairly than absolute strength. Meaning, it would get you generally stronger overall, but not necessarily closer to doing barbell rows with 300 kilos.
Just like doing air squats in comparison with barbell squats, you will notice some improvements in strength and work capability (conditioning), but those improvements shall be relative to the load and intensity you should use throughout the exercise. With the renegade row, load and intensity are limiting aspects — you may’t train with heavy weights and you may’t safely reach muscular failure.
Regardless, you may definitely include the exercise in your routine and profit from improved relative strength, but when getting super-strong is a priority, concentrate on improving absolute strength with heavy weights and low reps with exercises deadlifts, rows, and pull-ups.

My hands hurt while resting on the dumbbells. What can I do?

This is definitely quite common. The only solution is to put your hands on the ground, with the dumbbells just inside your wrists. Then, only pick the dumbbell up when performing the rowing portion of the rep. Each repetition will take barely longer and you may not have the option to do as many reps, but it would still be an efficient core exercise.

Be a Renegade

The renegade row is unquestionably not for starting lifters because there are such a lot of moving parts. When you’re mastered form on the component exercises just like the plank, dumbbell row, and even push-ups, you then’re able to add this full-body exercise to your program and begin constructing rock-solid stability and off-the-charts conditioning.


  1. Gontijo, L. B., Pereira, P. D., Neves, C. D., Santos, A. P., Machado, D.deC., & Bastos, V. H. (2012). Evaluation of strength and irradiated movement pattern resulting from trunk motions of the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Rehabilitation research and practice, 2012, 281937. https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/281937
  2. Burd, N. A., Andrews, R. J., West, D. W., Little, J. P., Cochran, A. J., Hector, A. J., Cashaback, J. G., Gibala, M. J., Potvin, J. R., Baker, S. K., & Phillips, S. M. (2012). Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men. The Journal of physiology, 590(2), 351–362. https://doi.org/10.1113/jphysiol.2011.221200
  3. McGill, Stuart PhD. Core Training: Evidence Translating to Higher Performance and Injury Prevention. Strength and Conditioning Journal 32(3):p 33-46, June 2010. | DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0b013e3181df4521

Featured Image: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock


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