Home Fitness The right way to Do the Toes-to-Bar for Core Strength and Power

The right way to Do the Toes-to-Bar for Core Strength and Power

The right way to Do the Toes-to-Bar for Core Strength and Power

Ask several people to explain the toe-to-bar movement and also you’re prone to hear multiple descriptions of how the end result must be completed. That’s, actually getting one’s toes “to the bar.” You may think the exercise was relatively easy enough considering its self-evident name, but that’s like pondering there’s just one solution to “squat.”

Credit: Jordi Mora / Shutterstock

While the movement has gymnastics roots, the toes-to-bar is closely related to CrossFit athletes and the exercise features continuously in WODs (workouts of the day). Despite the movement’s erratic appearance, the toes-to-bar has potential advantages for athletes of any sport, in addition to physique-focused bodybuilders. This text describes technique and programming considerations for the toes-to-bar.


The right way to Do the-Toes to-Bar Step By Step

A standard version of toes-to-bar involves well-coordinated movement of body segments to realize fast and efficient performance —kipping. A variation involves motion of your abdominals and hip flexors with immaculate body control — strict. The kipping version is described below.

Step 1 — Grab the Bar

Credit: StratfordProductions / Shutterstock

Select an appropriate pull-up bar that’s strong, secure, and taller than your standing overhead-reach height. Take an overhand grip at, or barely outside, shoulder-width and hang with straight arms. 

Form Tip: Think about using a “reverse hook grip” — After wrapping your fingers across the bar, squeeze your thumb over the nailbed of your index finger (and middle finger, too, when you’re able). 

Step 2 — Generate a Kip

Credit: Jules43 / Shutterstock

“Kipping” refers back to the controlled act of swinging to generate momentum. For the toes-to-bar, initiate the kip by arching your back as you extend your legs behind you. Your body should form an prolonged or “arched” shape under the bar. Immediately reverse the movement by rounding your spine and pulling your legs forward to realize a flexed or “hole” shape under the bar. Without losing speed, transition again to the initial prolonged shape. 

Form Tip: When kipping, it’s helpful to take into consideration pushing and pulling the bar horizontally regardless that the bar itself won’t move. First push backward, then pull forward, after which push backward again. This may help to include your upper body, improve stability and positioning, and will help establish a rhythmic movement.

Step 3 — Carry the Kip into Upward Leg Movement

A person hanging from a pull-up bar, gaining upward momentum Credit: UfaBizPhoto / Shutterstock

From the arched position, carry your trunk and leg momentum forward once more, but this time actively flex your low back and hips at the top of the kip to transition the momentum upward to the ceiling, not forward. 

Form Tip: Keep your gaze straight as you lift your feet. Following your toes along with your eyes will only promote neck and spine extension, which can interfere with this phase of the movement. 

Step 4 — Touch Your Toes to the Bar

A person doing a toe-to-bar exerciseCredit: MilanMarkovic78 / Shutterstock

As your low back and hips reach maximum flexion (i.e. maximum compression between your stomach and thighs), straighten your knees and touch your toes to the bar. Use control — you don’t need to kick the bar.

Form Tip: Quickly “flicking” your knees into extension at the highest of the repetition slightly than keeping your knees straight throughout the movement will promote movement efficiency and speed.

Step 5 — Return to the Prolonged Arch Position

Two people hanging from a pull up bar with arched backs.Credit: Jules43 / Shutterstock

To easily transition into the following rep, allow a slight re-bend to your knees and drive your hips into extension downward. As your legs move below your waist, begin to increase your spine. When you achieve the arched position, immediately transition to the hole position to initiate the following repetition. 

Form Tip: Unlike the primary repetition, subsequent reps shouldn’t require multiple forward and back kipping movements to generate momentum. Transition immediately from the hole position into the upward leg movement of the following repetition.

Toes to Bar Mistakes to Avoid

Common toes-to-bar errors occur when form gets sloppy, when range of motion gets cut short, or when the excellence blurs between the kipping version and the strict version.

Swinging Too Far Forward

An athlete who allows their hips to travel underneath the bar in the course of the “hole” position (immediately before and in the course of the leg lift) is unlikely to realize a full repetition. Even when the repetition is salvaged, excessive swinging will disrupt the rhythm of the kip and interfere with the following repetition. 

Credit: Photology1971 / Shutterstock

Avoid it: When transitioning from the “arch” position to the “hole” position of the kip, avoid excessive forward motion of the pelvis by actively pushing yourself backwards. Keeping tension in your upper body and attempting to move the bar will help.

Missing Full Compression on the Top

Achieving the top goal of touching your toes, well, to the bar requires full hip and low back flexion. Athletes who fail to realize this fully compressed position may simply require technique remediation or supplemental mobility work. 

A person trying to do the toe-to-bar exercise.Credit: Berkomaster / Shutterstock

Avoid it: During upward leg movement, concentrate on powerfully pulling your knees toward your elbows. If this intent isn’t enough, it is suitable to take care of a small amount of flexion throughout the upward movement phase. Then, on the last possible moment, complete the movement by reaching your feet to the bar. Athletes who lack the mobility to realize the fully compressed position, may profit from the hanging L-sit variation discussed below. 

Slowing the Descent

In contrast to the strict version (and most exercises within the gym), the downward movement phase of the kipping toes-to-bar just isn’t intended to be slow and controlled. Coming down slowly kills your momentum and extinguishes the stretch reflex — Each of those features are needed to perform efficient reps in consecutive fashion. 

Credit: UfaBizPhoto / Shutterstock

Avoid it: As a substitute of attempting to regulate the descent along with your hip flexors and abdominals, actively drive into extension in the course of the descent — first out of your hips, then out of your spine.

The right way to Progress the Toes to Bar

Unlike traditional resistance training exercises, the toes-to-bar just isn’t typically progressed via the addition of weight unless, after all, this happens inadvertently after an enormous pre-workout meal. Quite, the toes-to-bar is appropriately progressed by increasing repetition rate, manipulating body position, and increasing set durations. 

Perform More Repetitions Inside a Given Time

In fitness competition, the speed of repetition completion is a very powerful factor, often aiming to finish as many repetitions as quickly as possible. Subsequently, pushing yourself to finish more toes-to-bar reps in a set timeframe is a terrific solution to progress this movement. Set a timer for 20 to 40 seconds and hammer out as many good repetitions as possible. Next session, shoot for one or two more reps in the identical time. 

Lengthen Your Legs

Keeping a slight bend within the knees in the course of the kipping toes-to-bar is suitable and potentially helpful since it increases repetition speed. For those less all in favour of competition and more all in favour of training abdominals and hip flexors, keeping your knees straight throughout the toes-to-bar is an appropriate progression.

Straight legs place your center of mass farther from the working muscles (your abdominals), thereby increasing mechanical demand. To progress on this fashion, simply keep your knees as straight as possible throughout the forward/upward movement phase of the exercise.

Perform More Repetitions “Unbroken”

In CrossFit vernacular, “unbroken” refers to stringing multiple repetitions together without interruption. If fatigue or lack of coordination forces you to release the bar between reps, miss a rep, or perform an additional kip, your set of toes-to-bar is not any longer unbroken. Performing unbroken sets builds muscular endurance and taxes coordination. 

To progress, simply establish the variety of repetitions you possibly can perform unbroken, then shoot for an additional repetition or two next time. 

Advantages of the Toes to Bar

In stark contrast to the complex movement and coordination demands of the toes-to-bar, the exercise requires one easy piece of kit — a sturdy pull-up bar. Subsequently, the next advantages might be reaped at any gym or local park. 

Full Range of Motion Training

The hips and trunk cycle through extremes of flexion and extension in the course of the toes-to-bar. At these extreme positions, core and hip muscles are trained at long muscle lengths. Consistent training at long muscle lengths may reduce risk of muscle and tendon injury. For instance, Nordic Curls, which train the hamstrings at long lengths are related to reduced injury risk. (1)

While more dynamic exercises like toes-to-bar haven’t yet been studied for the aim of injury prevention, it’s plausible they confer a protective effect, making the abdominals and hip flexors more resilient to strains.

Builds Ballistic Core Power

Abdominal- and hip flexor muscles experience rapid stretch immediately followed by contraction in the course of the toes-to-bar. This sequence engages a phenomenon called the “stretch-shortening cycle” to supply a robust and efficient muscle contraction. Nearly all sports and athletic endeavors depend on stretch shortening cycle muscle actions. And with training, stretch shortening cycle contractions might be enhanced.

So, whether you must spike an unreturnable volleyball, launch a downfield soccer throw-in, or speed up past your competition on the cross-country ski trails, training the stretch shortening cycle through the toes-to-bar is prone to help. 

Movement Coordination Training

The kipping toes-to-bar demands sequenced and controlled movement of the trunk, hips, and shoulder girdle. Timing is the whole lot, as momentum have to be carried from one body segment to the following. Dialing-in this coordination sets the inspiration for other skills requiring similar movements. Gymnasts use toes-to-bar to show a clean kipping technique for mounting above the bar. You may use the toes-to-bar to accumulate to similar movements, resembling kipping muscle-ups, kipping pull-ups, or perhaps even “the worm” (when you’re into breakdancing).

Muscles Worked by Toes to Bar

The toes-to-bar trains muscles of the anterior chain — the muscles on the front of the body. Muscles of the posterior chain, resembling the spinal erectors, multifidi, and hip extensors, help to drive the body into the backswing of the kip, however the anterior core predominates.

Abdominals and Hip Flexors

The tasks of transitioning from the arched position to the hole position of the kip and driving the toes legs vertical to succeed in to the bar are completed by the abdominals and hip flexors. Key muscles include rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, iliacus, psoas major, and rectus femoris. 

Grip and Shoulders

A robust grip and robust shoulders are non-negotiable attributes for the toes-to-bar. Finger flexors and thumb muscles must not only support the load of the body, but contend with multidirectional forces produced during kipping.

A person hanging from a pull-up bar.Credit: Mix Tape / Shutterstock

While stabilizing muscles preserve the integrity of the shoulder, shoulder flexors and extensors rhythmically contract to facilitate kipping. Most notable are latissimus dorsi, regions of pectoralis major, and posterior deltoid, which help to create the hole position and keep the trunk behind the bar in the course of the leg lift. 

The right way to Program the Toes to Bar

The toes-to-bar is prone to pop up in prescribed CrossFit workouts during competitions and training. They might be programmed for day-to-day workouts in quite a lot of ways to fit your needs.

A part of a Complex

A fancy is 2 or more exercises performed constantly with the identical equipment. Complexes are an efficient and fascinating solution to construct work capability and develop movement skills. The toes-to-bar pairs well with kipping muscle-ups and kipping pull-ups, because the momentum from the kipping motion might be preserved throughout the complete complex. For a challenge, try six repetitions of toes-to-bar, followed by three reps of muscle-ups, then six kipping pull-ups

Progressive Skill Training

Dedicated practice is required to realize technical mastery of the toes-to-bar. Motor learning is probably going only when unfatigued. (2) For best results, dedicate an early portion of your workout to the toes-to-bar. Try three to 5 sets of six to 12 reps, three or more days per week

In case you are a CrossFit competitor, you’ll likely have to perform toes-to-bar in a fatigued state. So you should definitely challenge yourself every now and then with longer sets, short rest intervals between sets, or circuit training that features the toes-to-bar.

A part of a Multi-Mode Workout

In the game of fitness (i.e. CrossFit), multiple exercises are programmed in the identical workout, often in circuit training fashion. Commonly, these exercises are performed as “rounds for time” (RFT). In an RFT workout, a round consists of an outlined variety of repetitions for several exercises. The athlete performs a chosen variety of rounds as fast as possible. For instance, eight rounds of 16 kettlebell swings, eight toes-to-bar, and 4 wall ball shots. Track the time it takes to finish the complete series and aim to beat that point next workout.

person in gym training with kettlebellCredit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

One other common workout design is EMOM or every minute on the minute. The exercises are performed for a prescribed variety of repetitions every minute for a chosen variety of minutes. The repetitions must be accomplished in under one minute, and any time remaining is devoted to rest. For quick workout, try a 10-minute EMOM of eight toes-to-bar, six push-ups, and 4 dumbbell front squats

Toes-to-Bar Variations

Novice athletes or athletes with goals outside of CrossFit, gymnastics, and parkour could also be higher served by certainly one of the next variations. 

Strict Toes-to-Bar (Hanging Leg Raises)

Those with fitness goals circuitously related to gymnastics or fitness competition may consider the strict toes-to-bar variation, commonly called “hanging leg raises.”

By eliminating the momentum and stretch reflex generated by a kip, the strict variation forces your abdominals and hip flexors to act in a slower and more isolated fashion. This ends in higher levels of muscle activity within the rectus abdominis and obliques. (3)

Hanging L-Sit

Hanging L-sits are an isometric, or motionless, endurance exercise. The “L-sit” places the mass of the legs at its furthest point from the hips and low back, which trains your abdominals and hip flexors. This exercise may help to deal with weak points within the toes-to-bar.

In case you’re not accustomed to training your hip flexors at short muscle lengths, don’t be surprised in the event that they cramp during your first few sessions. Shake it out and get back to work.

Controlled GHD Sit-Ups

To progress toward the kipping toes-to-bar, novice athletes should consider the controlled glute-hamstring developer (GHD) sit-up. Unlike standard sit-ups on the ground or a sit-up board, this exercise trains your hip flexors and abdominals at long muscle lengths.

This exercise may also be used as a progression toward CrossFit-style GHD sit-ups, that are performed more rapidly and with outstretched arms.

Lying Leg Lifts

Athletes unable to hold from a pull-up bar as a consequence of weakness or equipment unavailability might consider training their abdominals and hip flexors using lying leg lifts. This exercise only requires a bench or open floor space and a sturdy object to carry on to as a counterbalance to the lower body — a heavy kettlebell or dumbbell also works.

Make sure to keep your low back pressed into the bench or floor throughout each repetition to avoid a lack of tension at the underside of the repetition.


Does the toes-to-bar work the ‘lower abs’?

The toes-to-bar is a terrific abdominal exercise for those physically prepared to contend with its demands. And, yes, it’d bias the lower portions of those muscles.
The toes-to-bar involves resisted and powerful trunk flexion, which undoubtedly works the abdominals. Rectus abdominis (the “six-pack abs” muscle) runs vertically from the underside of the sternum and ribcage to the pubic bone. The fibers of rectus abdominis also run vertically but don’t run the complete length of rectus abdominis, because they’re interrupted by tendinous inscriptions that create the outline of a chiseled six- (or eight-) pack. 
As a consequence of the momentum of the kip and the stretched position of the muscle, rectus abdominis likely experiences peak tension in the course of the rapid eccentric contraction at the underside of the movement. Eccentric muscle contractions have been shown to elicit preferentially greater muscle growth on the distal end of the muscle in other body parts. (4) Subsequently, the eccentric bias of the toes-to-bar could, theoretically, result in enhanced lower abdominal development over time. 
A rationale based on surface electromyography (sEMG) is mostly cited to support the toes-to-bar (and similar exercises) for “lower abs” training. Leg raises lead to greater activity within the lower portion of rectus abdominis than the upper portions. (5) Similar findings have been reported with hanging knee-ups, that are essentially hanging leg raises performed with bent legs. (6) As a consequence of the similarities between these exercises and the toes-to-bar, it’s fairly secure to assume that the toes-to-bar, too, electromyographically biases the lower rectus abdominis. 
Nevertheless, surface electromyography just isn’t a legitimate indicator of the quantity of muscle a dynamic exercise prompts or will ultimately stimulate to grow. (7)(8) For these reasons, we have to be cautious about inferring superior “lower ab” hypertrophy outcomes from toes-to-bar.
Take into accout, toes-to-bar is a really fast movement. Although peak tension within the muscle is probably going quite high in the course of the eccentric transition of the kip, the abdominals don’t experience prolonged time under tension. Those all in favour of constructing muscle could also be higher served by a more traditional exercise variation, resembling the strict toes-to-bar or reverse crunch.

My grip fails first during a set of the toes-to-bar. Recommendations?

Hanging ab straps might be used in the course of the strict toes-to-bar to cut back demand on the shoulders and grip. Gymnastics grips or chalk may assist with grip issues. Other than these modifications, it is perhaps prudent to concentrate on constructing your forearms and lats to work as much as the toes-to-bar. Pull-ups and lat pulldowns are great options. 

The toes-to-bar is just too hard. How can I work as much as it?

Consider a progressive technique to construct the requisite strength and control for toes-to-bar repetitions. Here’s a sample exercise progression using Variations discussed above: Start by training your hip flexors and abdominals at short muscle lengths using hanging L-sits. Add long muscle length work via controlled GHD sit-ups.
Strict toes-to-bar, although difficult, could also be possible before kipping toes-to-bar, because they’re less complex. Practice the forward and back (arch to hole) kipping motion, in isolation without the leg raise, on a pull-up bar. Once proficient, it’s time for the real-deal toes-to-bar.

Appropriated by CrossFit, but Not Limited to “Fitness Competitions”

The toes-to-bar is a comparatively complex exercise utilized in some CrossFit competitions and workouts. It might even be used to develop gymnastics skills, be placed in calisthenics programs, or it may well be added added to a regular gym workout as a novel core exercise. 

Like every complex exercise, mastery of the toes-to-bar takes practice and patience. But when you dial in, you’ll be stringing together unbroken repetitions with ease with core strength, and core development, to point out for it. 


  1. Al Attar, W. S. A., et al. (2017). Effect of injury prevention programs that include the Nordic hamstring exercise on hamstring injury rates in soccer players: a scientific review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 47, 907-916.
  2. Branscheidt, M., et al. (2019). Fatigue induces long-lasting detrimental changes in motor-skill learning. Elife, 8, e40578.
  3. McGill, S., Andersen, J., & Cannon, J. (2015). Muscle activity and spine load during anterior chain whole body linkage exercises: the body saw, hanging leg raise and walkout from a push-up. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(4), 419-426.
  4. Franchi, M. V., Reeves, N. D., & Narici, M. V. (2017). Skeletal muscle remodeling in response to eccentric vs. concentric loading: morphological, molecular, and metabolic adaptations. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 447.
  5. Pruthviraj, R., & Paul Daniel, V. K. (2017). Electromyographic evaluation of exercises proposed for differential activation of rectus abdominis muscle components. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health, 4, 153-157.
  6. Escamilla, R.F, et al. (2006). Electromyographic Evaluation of Traditional and Nontraditional Abdominal Exercises: Implications for Rehabilitation and Training. Physical Therapy, 86(5), 656–671. 
  7. Vigotsky, A. D., et al. (2018). Interpreting signal amplitudes in surface electromyography studies in sport and rehabilitation sciences. Frontiers in Physiology, 985.
  8. Vigotsky, A. D., et al. (2017). Greater electromyographic responses don’t imply greater motor unit recruitment and ‘hypertrophic potential’ can’t be inferred. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(1), e1-e4.

Featured Image: MilanMarkovic78 / Shutterstock


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