Home Yoga Most Embarrassing Things That Can Occur to Yoga Teachers

Most Embarrassing Things That Can Occur to Yoga Teachers

Most Embarrassing Things That Can Occur to Yoga Teachers

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One in every of the more anxiety-inducing things I struggled with after I began to teach yoga was remembering my sequence of poses. The fear of doing a disservice to students—and embarrassing myself—by forgetting something caused me to spend hours and hours researching, memorizing, and practicing before each class. I might even write the sequence and cues down in little notebooks that I kept in my glovebox so I could review them outside the studio. As I hurriedly took myself through the sequence, students would walk by my parked automotive and forged curious glances at my flailing arms.

Funny how I at all times looked as if it would nail it after I was alone in my automotive. But standing in that studio in front of a room stuffed with faces looking at me expectantly, that didn’t at all times occur. The primary time I spaced on teaching the second side of a pose, my stomach dropped, the blood drained from my face, and I’m pretty sure I felt physical pain. I circled back to do the pose though it was a standing pose and by the point I noticed what had happened we were already seated on the mat in the course of the cool down. I used to be so embarrassed, I believe I actually apologized to students as they left.

After fifteen years of teaching yoga, forgetting a pose might actually be the least embarrassing thing that has happened to me during class. Not only do miscues and mishaps occur, they occur with some frequency. And never only for me. “Forgetting flows and fumbling words are weekly occurrences,” says Sarah White, who teaches classes in Dubai and leads online creative sequencing trainings. She’s not unsuitable.

But there are goofs and there are gaffes. Whether fashion malfunctions, farts, or flashings, some lapses in memory or judgment simply appear to stand out greater than others.

Every time we witness our teachers make a blunder, we’re reminded that they, too, are human. And once they laugh and carry on, we’re reminded of something that’s far more useful than any physical pose: self-acceptance.

Following are a few of the most embarrassing—and human—things that may occur to a yoga teacher as they lead you thru your practice.

The Most Embarrassing Things That Can Occur to Yoga Teachers

1. Missed Mic Check

Early in 2020, many yoga teachers needed to quickly pivot to teaching online. That demanded a crash course in cameras, lights, and audio equipment. San Francisco-based teacher Jack Workman was psyched to check out a latest mic and had it arrange and able to go before class…after which he decided to take a fast trip to the john. When he returned to his computer, he noticed several students sniggering. He quickly realized he had left his mic on all the time he was, well, you recognize.

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Don’t trust yourself to recollect to hit mute? Get into the habit of taking the mic off your body before stepping away for a rest room break. If students do hear a bit an excessive amount of of your corporation, you’ll be able to at all times joke, “Be glad the camera wasn’t on.” Also, consider removing the mic anytime you’re not actively teaching. Those intensely personal comments or expletives you drop to someone off-camera could otherwise be broadcast to your class.

2. Innocence to Innuendo

All of us misstate things. Sometimes verbal slippages are slight, comparable to cueing “knees over hips” as a substitute of vice-versa. Sometimes they’re a bit more complex.

Milan Sundaresan, a yoga teacher in addition to immigration and human rights attorney in San Francisco, typically closes her vinyasa classes with the words, “May you reside with passion, may you reside with joy, and should you reside in peace.” One particularly sleep-deprived week, she paused before the tip while her brain struggled to seek out the right words, then managed to say “…REST in peace.” Her students still laugh about it.

Chicago-based Claire Mark has been teaching yoga for greater than 20 years, which translates to literally 1000’s of classes—and ample opportunities to flub a cue. The one which continues to haunt her is when she meant to say “reach your fingertips to the ceiling” but as a substitute said “finger tits.”

And Jenny Clise, a yoga therapist in San Francisco, still recalls the time she meant to say “set yourself up for fulfillment” and truly told her students to “set yourself up for sex.”

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: When words which might be intended as innocent come out as innuendo, likelihood is everyone will simply need to chuckle. That ought to include you.

3. Wardrobe Malfunctions

Many teachers unintentionally court disaster by wearing not-so-snug bras or loose, billowy tops that fall forward during inversions. Mark once had her chest come out while workshopping a pose because her shirt was cut a bit lower than she had thought. Oops.

Leta LaVigne, founding father of yogaRocks in Finland, has experienced an identical situation. The offender? “Definitely that one too-loose sports bra that I still wear anyway when laundry must be done,” she says.

Note: The perilousness of such wardrobe selections also applies to students, not only teachers. Take caution!

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Unless everyone happens to be watching you demo a pose, likelihood is they didn’t witness your blooper. Tuck yourself back in and proceed your practice.

4. Lewd Lyrics

Within the months after graduating from yoga teacher training, Renee Marie Schettler often included Amy Winehouse performing “Back to Black” in her playlists. “I prefer lesser-known acoustic tracks and there was a quiet tension in that individual version that I loved,” says Schettler, who later became a senior editor at Yoga Journal. “It was uncensored. I knew higher. Yet I might take my probabilities and switch the quantity down and talk loudly over the part where she refers to, um, the male anatomy.”

Then got here a request to sub one Saturday. “I used to be already anxious subbing and a teacher I respected and was crushing on unexpectedly showed up. I let myself get distracted and, in attempting to recall the sequence and my cues and be humorous and listen to the scholars, I completely forgot to speak over the lyric. In reality, I finished talking just before the lyric. The word just hung there within the silence.”

It will have been inappropriate but forgettable had there not been a 12-year-old in school, says Schettler. “Her mom didn’t look pleased. Understandably. It was not the style of quiet tension I had intended.”

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Off-color lyrics don’t sound half as bad within the automotive as they do within the quiet sanctity of a yoga class. If the lyrics must be censored, they probably haven’t any place in your playlist.

5. Incendiary Incense

Yogi Bryan, who teaches yoga and meditation online and across the country, considers himself an incense enthusiast. He was psyched to check out a latest incense holder during a web based class and was having fun with the aroma…until he realized he could be catching a whiff of something more. When he turned to look, he realized the holder was leaking oil and had caught fire. He calmly blew on it. That didn’t help. Attempting to stay comfortable and never disrupt the low-key vibe for college students, he poured a bit water from his bottle on it. That didn’t go as planned.

“The water made the hearth explode three feet within the air until it completely went out,” says Yogi Bryan, who was unharmed in the course of the incident. (You may watch all the thing.)

Sometimes where there’s smoke, there is no such thing as a fire. Tamara Jeffries, also a senior editor at Yoga Journal, was teaching online when her room—and her on-screen Zoom box—stuffed with smoke from a smudge stick that kept smoldering. The massive black hole in her beige carpet is a reminder to not make that mistake again.

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: “We are able to’t take our yoga practice too seriously but we want to take incense burners seriously,” says Yogi Bryan, only half-jokingly. Some yoga studios ban incense and candles. Should you use them, you almost certainly need to ensure they’re not on the ground, where they may very well be knocked over, and that they’re not inside several feet of material. Never leave a room unattended if there are lit candles or incense.

6. Falling Out of a Pose

Ashlee McDougall, a yoga teacher and chronic-illness advocate who owns Yoga Loft in Tucson, wasn’t feeling particularly drained or unwell the day she decided to demo Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance) for her class. Quite the contrary. “I went into it with fulllllll confidence,” wrote McDougall in a message.

Except she promptly fell out of the pose, crashing on her head. She was wonderful, although she wasn’t so certain about her students’ consequent relationship to the pose. “Nobody else attempted Pincha that day,” she says. McDougall doesn’t include that pose in her classes anymore. “I don’t teach it since it’s not accessible,” she says. “I dropped the concept people could just balance, upside-down, on their forearms.”

Kristin McGee fell out of a pose, too. But when she toppled backward out of Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose), she was teaching class in front of literally tons of of scholars via the streaming platform Peloton. McGee quietly picked herself up and got here back into the pose. She feels that demonstrating resilience was a more essential lesson for college students than if she had held the posture perfectly. “It’s not about stopping the autumn,” she says. “It’s actually about embracing it and learning find out how to bounce back.”

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Although falling out of a pose may appear to detract out of your teaching, it could actually actually enhance it. Helping students see the humanness and the humor within the situation might help cushion the autumn. “Once I used to show yoga to kids in schools, I’d fall out of poses on purpose in order that they wouldn’t get too type A about it,” says Sarah Herrington, who leads yoga classes and mindful writing workshops in Recent York City.

7. Gong Show

It could be hard to withstand the temptation to share something latest—a pose, transition, cue, even sound instrument—immediately.  “I used to be all excited to check my first Tibetan singing bowl,” says LaVigne. “The category was deeply relaxed in Savasana and the room was so quiet. I wanted to make use of it to softly signal the tip of Savasana but I hadn’t actually tested find out how to hit it. I took the wood thing and gave it a very good whack. It was SOOOO loud! A complete shock. One gentleman told me afterward that he saw stars.”

It’s said that enthusiasm and anxiety are only different sides of the identical coin. “Once I first began teaching, I used to be trying to guide a category through alternate nostril respiratory but I used to be nervous,” says Herrington. “I said something about starting on the suitable side and what to do with that nostril, the primary nostril. Then I discussed the second nostril. After which I said something concerning the third nostril.” Herrington caught her mistake and promptly made a joke about that instruction being “for the aliens within the room.’”

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Practice, practice, practice.  “As a more recent teacher, I learned to practice find out how to explain things more at home first before I got in front of a giant group,” says Herrington.

8. Graceful On the Mat, Clumsy AF Off It

“Once I first began teaching, someone had their water in a Mason jar as a substitute of a bottle and I by chance knocked it over and spilled it all over the place,” says Clise, noting that’s probably her “most tasteful embarrassing moment.” Fortunately, yoga blankets are relatively absorbent.

Not all accidents are so easily fixed. Schettler was teaching a candlelit class, slowly walking in between mats, when she felt—and heard—a crunch. Within the dim lighting, she hadn’t seen a pair of glasses set off to the side of a mat.

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Schettler whispered an apology to the scholar during class and asked to pay for the repair after class. The coed reassured her the lenses were wonderful and the frame was just barely bent.

When things like this happens, each teachers and students learn a lesson: Keeping a careful watch on greater than students’ bodies and keeping personal possessions near the perimeter of your mat.

9. Playlist Panic

Desi Bartlett, a pre- and post-natal teacher, had just settled students in Savasana during a personal class for high-powered attorneys when her soothing playlist of devotional music ended a bit earlier than expected…and Salt-N-Pepa‘s “Push It” began blasting from her birthing playlist. A mother of two, Bartlett is accustomed to having quick reflexes. She immediately reached for her phone to change playlists while her students collapsed into laughter.

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Almost every teacher has had a moment of calm interrupted by a playlist that was by chance on shuffle or autoplay. It happens. That moment of levity might actually be as helpful because the yoga.

10. Fashion Fail

Early morning yoga classes could be tricky. “You’re preparing while half asleep and just about at the hours of darkness,” says White. “I’ve taught a complete class with my pants inside out. I didn’t even realize until I’d gotten to my next client they usually told me.”

The identical thing happened to Rachel Land, Recent Zealand-based yoga teacher and co-host of the Yoga Medicine podcast. “I used to be in Malasana (Squat) facing the scholars, and looked right down to see my tights inside-out, with an enormous white triangle of lining cloth clearly visible. I immediately pointed it out to the scholars, had a superb laugh, and turned sideways for the remaining of the category.”

Several teachers shared stories of leggings with ripped seams on the crotch, including Christina Muruato, who didn’t realize anything was amiss. But one in all her students actually did. “She noticed mid-class and was attempting to signal me, but I assumed she was asking for modifications on the poses so I just kept on with my verbal cues,” says the Phoenix-based yoga teacher and founding father of Delasol Yoga. “Luckily, I had underwear on, but they were a nude color so it definitely looked like I used to be showing greater than I used to be. So embarrassing!”

You don’t must be wearing your clothes for them to malfunction. “I teach hot yoga, so I try to alter if I’m teaching three hot classes back-to-back,” says London-based Bianca Butler. “I used to be walking toward the toilet with my knapsack and reached into it to grab something. I didn’t notice until the opposite teacher said, ‘I believe you dropped these,’ that my spare undies were on the ground in front of the studio owner and students.”

Sometimes the style misstatement is forced on you. Tamika Caston-Miller once forgot to pack her teaching clothes before class. Unfortunately, the studio where she was teaching did not carry an array of clothing for all body types. This left Caston-Miller, who currently owns the inclusive Ashé Yoga studio, with just one leggings option. It was bad enough that they were a poor fit and never in her preferred color palette. But after class she learned that the pants were entirely see-through, revealing her flowery undergarments every time she bent over.

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Caston-Miller test drives latest leggings before she buys them, bending and stretching in front of a mirror. Should you teach repeatedly, it is advisable to keep a bag with a backup outfit in your vehicle…just be attentive as you reach in and pull something out!

11. Bathroom Break

while you think it is best to use the restroom before class but you then think, “I’ll be wonderful,” but then half-hour later you’re not? That happened to Stephanie Acosta, a yoga teacher for Y7 in Recent York City, the primary 12 months she was teaching. Even then, she thought, I could make it…only to understand a number of minutes later she couldn’t. “Luckily, I had one other teacher in the category, so I went over to her and whispered, ‘I actually need to pee. Can you simply teach the opposite side?’ And she or he was like, “Yeah, I got you.” And I literally ran to the back of the studio to the restroom. Once I got out, everyone was laughing, and I laughed together with them and said, “Whenever you gotta go, you gotta go!”

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Take those two minutes before class to hit the john. Just make sure to mute that mic.)

12. Snoozing During Savasana

It’s not unusual for college students to go to sleep during Savasana. It’s not unheard of for teachers to fall asleep, too. Yogi Aaron, the writer of Stop Stretching! A Recent Yogic Approach To Master Your Body and Live Pain-Free, had arrived back home after an extended flight from India earlier within the day and was teaching a night class. As he cued students into Savasana, he settled onto his mat as well. A student jostled him awake half-hour later asking if class was over.

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Your entire class agreed it was the perfect Savasana they’d ever had—albeit, within the words of 1 student, “a bit long.” If it’s financially feasible for you, find coverage for any classes that coincide along with your travel days. Same applies for while you’re sick or exhausted. Or you might select to not lie down for Savasana.

13. Trust Fall

Sometimes teachers place hands on students to assist them discover a more intense stretch or to point safer alignment in a pose. This may sometimes backfire, as White experienced with a client during a personal class. “She was in a reclining figure 4 stretch together with her foot on my thigh, I used to be leaning toward her, and for some reason, I told her to release without taking my weight from her,” recalls White. “I ended up nearly crashing on her!”

The coed, with whom she had a longstanding relationship, was unharmed and, thankfully, amused. “We laughed,” says White, “She was like, ‘I assumed it was strange but I just trusted you so I did it!”

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Your students’ well-being is at all times your first concern. Check to see whether or not they’re injured and, if that’s the case, handle it as you’d any injury in school. And don’t offer a litany of excuses while you apologize or expect your student to make you’re feeling higher.

14. Adjustments Gone Awry

“I used to be teaching a candlelight yoga class at a studio where we tried to present everyone a Savasana adjustment,” explains Clise. “It was really hard to see the scholars and one in all them was wearing a black t-shirt. Once I went to press down on her shoulders, I by chance placed my hands on her boobs and she or he whispered to me, ‘No less than buy me dinner first.’

We each began crying, we were laughing so hard. I used to be thankful she knew me and realized that it was an accident.”

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: As Clise learned, err on the side of caution any time you make physical contact with students along with your hands or any a part of your body. Also, remain mindful and respectful of their personal space as you progress amongst a crowded studio where you can inadvertently bump into someone.

Note from Yoga Journal editors: This anecdote had a fortunate ending, although unwanted physical touch in yoga classes is a really serious matter. Many studios encourage students to let teachers know before class in the event that they prefer to not receive an adjustment. Should you feel that you’ve got experienced intentionally inappropriate touch in a yoga class, we encourage you to achieve out to the studio manager.

15. Loving Kindness Cockroach Meditation

“It was the start of sophistication at a studio where I used to show and I used to be giving my dharma talk,” says Neeti Narula, a yoga and meditation teacher in Recent York City. “Suddenly a student jumped up excitedly. I assumed perhaps she was really moving into what I used to be explaining! Then she said, ‘I’m so sorry, but there’s an enormous cockroach!’”

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: “Well, I wasn’t going to squish a cockroach in a yoga class,” says Narula. “But I also wasn’t going to send it loving kindness. I’m fearful of cockroaches and I literally have nightmares about them. So we just left it within the corner after which after class we captured it after which released it outside the studio.”

16. The Gift of Gab

Sometimes teachers mean to assist by adding more words to make clear…but find yourself doing the other. “I introduced a latest prop variation—placing a block between the heel and butt in an initial stage for Natarajasana (Dancer Pose)—and I used to be attempting to clarify how the tendency is to drop the block by straightening the knee when doing hip circles,” says Allison Ray Jeraci, a yoga teacher who likes to supply unexpected options for poses. “I used to be doing well as much as that time. Then I told them it was ‘like a game of Pac-Man where your heel is Pac-Man and the block is the bead and you would like to proceed to maneuver your Pac-Man into your block.’”

Jeracai says all the class just stared at her. Then everyone—including her—broke into laughter. “It was one in all those times where I didn’t have to proceed to clarify my metaphor but I just kept going and digging myself deeper.”

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: Less is more more often than not. “But while you go for more, no less than hope it makes everyone laugh!” says Jeracai.

17. Extemporaneous Farting

Biological functions occur. “I believe we’ve all experienced that fart that you simply were successfully holding in until some move lets it squeak out, right?” says LaVigne. “I mean, let’s be honest, it’s not an abnormal occurrence in a yoga studio!”

Or in a television studio. While auditioning to record a DVD with MTV, McGee was balancing in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Prolonged Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose) when she audibly passed a bit gas. She still got the gig.

What You Can Do If It Happens To You: “I just ignore it if I hear anyone fart,” says LaVigne. “Even when the 10-year-old me is laughing inside.”

If You’re a Yoga Teacher, Here’s The best way to Handle Embarrassing Moments

Simply because you made a fake pas doesn’t mean you’ve failed as a teacher. It simply makes you human. Especially when there are extenuating circumstances. “Sometimes teaching conditions are perfect—I’m well rested, well fed, and calm,” says London-based teacher and father of a newborn, Adam Husler. “Other times, I’ve run across London to the fifth class of the day, having spent the day before teaching a training overseas!”

While nobody can control the unexpected, we are able to control our response. “In these circumstances, the likelihood of me forgetting a pose on one side goes up by multiples! I’ve learnt various coping strategies,” says Husler. “Sometimes I laugh. Sometimes I tell the scholars it was to represent the basic asymmetry of life! Once I told the scholars it was a test designed to see their honesty! Haha. All with a cheeky smile!”

To err is human. To laugh at it’s divine.

About Our Contributors

Sarah Ezrin is an writer, world-renowned yoga educator, popular Instagram influencer, and mama based within the San Francisco Bay Area. Her willingness to be unabashedly honest and vulnerable along together with her innate wisdom make her writing, yoga classes, and social media great sources of healing and inner peace for many individuals. Sarah is changing the world, teaching self-love one person at a time. She can also be the writer of The Yoga of Parenting. You may follow her on Instagram at @sarahezrinyoga and TikTok at @sarahezrin.

Renee Marie Schettler is a senior editor at Yoga Journal and has worked as an editor at The Washington Post, Real Easy magazine, and online media. She began studying yoga nearly 20 years ago with teachers in Recent York City who emphasized the challenge of finding precise alignment in a posture. Her understanding of yoga modified when she began practicing with teachers who assert the practice is less about how we execute a pose and more about whether we are able to give up into the stillness of it. She finds that editing, writing, and practicing yoga are each about becoming more aware of truth. She has been teaching yoga since 2017.


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